
Tuesday 7 June 2011

[wanita-muslimah] 25. Bigot is loveless, no sense of pitiness. and cruelty.


(English Version )

The Beauty of God's Creation & Teaching.

The True Islam is The religion of affection,compassion,love,peace,beauty and prosperity.

We reject violence extremism, and Promote peace,love,tolerance, compassion.,Accept different thought,ideas and interpretation of Islamic teaching..

Bigot is loveless, no sense of pitiless. and cruelty.
Orang2 yang mabuk dengan agama, tidak mempunyai rasa cinta dan kasih sayang tapi berjiwa kasar dan benci.

Assalamu'alaikan wr wb.

I seek the refuge in God,from Syaitan the rejected.
In the name of God,most gracious and most merciful.

The bigot is loveless. He is the enemy of beauty , aesthetics , Science, peace, democracy and Human right. Bigot has no place in Islam.

Bigotry is a grave agony and trouble for humanity.

Islam is the religion of love, affection,compassion, peace, tolerance ,beauty,and forgiveness.

As ALLAH said;

Love your neighbor, brothers as you love yourself.
Love your enemies, bless those who curse you,do good to those who hates you,

Pray for those who spitefully use you, and persecute you.
If your enemies hungry, give them breads,
If they are thirsty give them water to drink...(Matthew 5:43)

Kalau ada orang2 yang fanatik, atau mabuk dengan agama, maka perbuatan2 dan perkataan2nya dapat dilihat yaitu suka melakukan kekerasan, berkata kasar,fitnah, menindas, dan zolim. Mereka adalah anti keindahan, anti kedamaian, anti pluralism, anti demokrasi, anti Ham.Itulah ciri2 dari orang2 yang mabuk agama seperti orang mabuk minum alkohol.

Sesungguhnya orang2 mabuk dgn agama itu adalah orang2 yang tidak mengerti Islam yang benar, atau orang2 munafik, atau srigala yang masuk Islam untuk merusak keindahan Islam dari dalam.

Wassalamu'alaikum wrwb

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