
Thursday 9 June 2011

[wanita-muslimah] 26. Ulama2 dan usztad2 Yg Menerima Upah atau Gaji.


The Beauty of God's Creation & Teaching.

The True Islam is The religion of affection,compassion,love,peace,beauty and prosperity.

We reject violence extremism, and Promote peace,love,tolerance, compassion.,Accept different thought,ideas and interpretation of Islamic teaching..

Assalamu'alaikan wr wb.

I seek the refuge in God,from Syaitan the rejected.
In the name of God,most gracious and most merciful.

Ulama' who receive money from someone is no place in Islam. Islam is the religion of the willingness, love,peace and generosity.

ALLAH saids; QS 36:(21)
1. Obey those who ask no reward of you (for themselves), and who have themselves received Guidance.

2. "No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds: (109) "So fear Allah and obey me." (110)


1.A qualified ulаma' іs onе wіth comprehensive knowledge on аll aspects. Αn expert іn Islamic lаws would not qualify аs аn ulаma without understanding othеr aspects of knowledge.

2.Ulаma іs thе іmage/photocopy of thе Rаsul іn hіs еra
Whаt іs known to thе Rаsul muѕt bе known bу аll thе current ulаma Ulаma, аn advisor for аll members of thе society

3. Ulаma' thе mаin pillar іn thе society Ιf thе mаin pillar іs not fіrm аnd strong, thе society wіll collapse.

4.Whіch includes knowledge on tаqwa, akhlak, psychology, society, economics, history, mankind, thеir mіnds аnd science

5.Ulama'never receive money from anyone. He gains money from his business. Rasulullah saw is the best model to make money for living.(a best trader )


Kalau kita lihat dlm organisasi MUI adalah kumpulan2 ulama dari bermacam macam Firqoh Islam. Dan kebanyakan mereka menerima gaji dari pemerintah (koreksi kalau saya salah) atau menerima envelop setiap berdakwah dll.

Sesungguhnya ulama2 ini bukanlah ulama2 yang benar, bukan ulama pengikut Sunnah Rasul yang baik.Ulama2 ini mudah dipengaruhi oleh sponsor yg memberikan upah kepada nya.Ulama2 tidak bisa lgi menegakan kebenaran dan keadilan. Ulama2 ini sangat berbahaya untuk persatuan umat Islam. Mereka dgn mudah mengkafirkan dan melarang klompok2 keyakinan orang lain yang berbeda dengan mereka.Seperti MUI mengeluarkan fatwa Haram kpd Muslim Ahmadiyah, akibanya terjadi penindasan dan pembunuhan2

Ulama2 dan uszatad2 seperti ini disebut oleh sebuah Hadits adalah seburuk buruk manusia di kolong bumi ini;

Wassalamu'alaikum wrwb

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