
Sunday 10 June 2012

[wanita-muslimah] Ingin gratis pulang ke Indonesia????


Dear All, 

Salam kenal dari saya Jumiarti Agus (Ijum) di Tokyo.

Saat ini kami di ACIKITA tengah mempersiapkan event Seminar dan International Conference yang selalu diadakan setiap tahun sekitar bulan Juli-Agustus. Mohon diingat ya, agendanya selalu dalam bulan Juli-Agustus setiap tahunnya. 

ACIKITA sendiri merupakan organisasi yang didirikan oleh anak bangsa di Tokyo, yang keanggotaannya tersebar di banyak negara, untuk suatu wujud nyata dan kepedulian kami untuk perbaikan RI kita.

Tentang ACIKITA detilnya bisa dilihat di sini: Http://

Bapak/ibu dan teman teman semua ingin gratis pulang ke Indonesia???

Ayo joint dalam AICST, insyaAllah para Prof/Sensei  akan memberi izin dengan senang hati dan memberikan transportasi dan akomodasi. Beberapa teman sudah mendapatkan izin dan tiket gratis ini. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah dan Alhamdulillah. Dan tahun lalu juga ada banyak teman teman kita yang ikut serta dari berbagai negara.

Rindu kampung halaman, kangen makanan enak nan tiada taranya, ingin silaturrahmi dengan keluarga besar di Indonesia, dsbnya. InsyaAllah semuanya bisa dilakukan.

Daaannn.... terlebih lagi aliran energi, transformasi ilmu, pengalaman, dan riset dapat kita sharing ke banyak masyarakat sejenis di Indonesia. Tidak ada istilah Anda tidak berperan untuk kemajuan Indonesia.

Sertifikat? Proceeding ber-ISBN? Semuanya jangan ragu, justeru kami bekerjasama dengan Kemendiknas RI. 

Dengan ini Kami  mengundang Bapak/Ibu/teman teman sebangsa dan setanah air sebagai speaker dalam event The 2nd AICST di Jakarta, berikut informasi komplit saya sertakan.

"Allah tidak akan merubah nasib suatu kaum kalau bukan kaum itu sendiri yang Ganbatte merubahnya!"

Fastabiqul khairat

Terimakasih, mhn maaf bagi yang tidak berkenan. 

Jumiarti Agus
The 2nd ACIKITA International Conference on Science and Technology (AICST). Jakarta, Indonesia, August 26 - 28, 2012
Call for Papers, Abstracts and Posters
Call for University Promotion
Call for Company Promotion
Call for Sponsorship
As a big nation and blessed with abundant natural resources, Indonesia has an opportunity to play an important role in international relations and economic globalization. Indonesia must be developed as a welfare nation compatible to globalization in favor of the Indonesian progress. The promotion of international cooperation, particularly in the field of education and research, is considered to be one of the such way to increase the global competitiveness.
We invite all, who pursuing higher education or who working as a scientist/researcher/educator around the world, to offer presentation to introduce their research works, ideas or recent achievements. This event also opens for businessmen and industries, from various fields and backgrounds, to share experiences/recruitments/other relevant topics. We hope this event is, not only as a place where all participants just share knowledge and idea, but also as a place where a mutual cooperation be initiated by them, for strengthening the relationship between Indonesia and other countries in the future
The conference will focus on the following topics, but we also accept papers from other topics.
1. Medicine, health, and pharmaceutical
2. Bioscience, biotechnology, and bioengineering
3. Agriculture, agricultural biotechnology and food processing
4. Education and culture
5. Energy and the new energy resources
6. Social Sciences, Economics, Law and Humanities
7. Telecommunications and computer information science
8. Interdiciplanary science and engineering
9. Mechanical Science and Engineering
10. Various art and craft
Abstract must be addressed to email:
Important date : (Extension Schedule)
Submission of abstract: June 10, 2012
Notification of acceptance: June 12, 2012
Submission of full papers: June 30, 2012
Early registration: April 15, 2012 (already closed)
Conference: August 26 - 28, 2012
For Authoring Guideline, please visit
Conference Fee
Domestic students Rp 300.000
Domestic researcher and lecturer Rp 500.000(*) (**)
Indonesian participants from overseas Rp 700,000 or ¥ 7,000(*) (**)
Foreign students and Indonesia professionals Rp 1,000,000 or ¥ 10,000(*) (**)
Foreign professionals Rp 1,300,000 or ¥13,000(*) (**)
(*) discount 30% for early registration
(**) additional 70% for whom submit full paper/poster after the deadline
(without abstract submission process)
This conference is a part of The 4th ACIKITA Annual Education Seminar (AAES). Total program of AAES is as follow :
1. Education Seminar, "Various tips: how to get a scholarship to study abroad, how to survive while studying abroad, and also how to know more about overseas education system. Presentation will be held in 16 cities in Indonesia.
2. The Program for promoting high-quality university education by the top rated universities/ institutes of the world. Call for university/laboratory promotion.
3. The program for job opportunities offered by various foreign companies.
Call for company promotion.
We invite various foreign companies to offer presentation to let the participants know more about their company as well as the job opportunity.On the other hand, various foreign companies need foreign workers that can be dispatched and settled in different countries. Therefore, we also facilitate.
4.The booth Presentation
We provide stands/booth for universities and industries for the promotion need. During the seminar, universities and companies are allowed to perform promotions related to the universities and companies, and also conducting student or employer recruitment process.
5. The event for Indonesian Forum
For Indonesian participants, we will hold the forum discussed about inputs and ideas for Indonesia progress.
6. The Best Presentation and Paper Awards
7. The exhibition of various crafts from Indonesia
8. The launch of the new ACIKITA book
For Registration by email:
We would like to invite you to joint this interesting event.
Thank you very much
Committee AICST, 2012

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