
Friday, 24 December 2010

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Fw: [Sabili] christmas

emang rendah dirilah broe
kalo gitu kenapa lagu aja diributin
jalananin saja agama masing2 dengan baik dan damai
khan enak

On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 5:59 AM, H. M. Nur Abdurahman <> wrote:

> Terlalu naif dikatakan perasaan rendah diri. Tidak ada hubungannya dengan
> persaingan .dan sikap kedewasaan,.melainkan menyampaikan pesan "Lakum
> diinakum wa liya diin." Bahkan sebaliknya yang pro itulah yang merasa
> rendah diri takut disebut tidak menghargai agama orang lain.
> Coba dicamkan lagu populer terrkait kegembiraan yang sekarang ini
> dilantunkan di mana-mana, yaitu Lagu
> Jingle Bells ciptaan James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) dan dipulikasikan pada
> musim gugur(*) tahun 1857 dengan judul "One Horse Open Sleigh".
> ---------------
> (*)
> Maksudnya musim gugur di belahan bumi utara bukan di belahan bumi selatan,
> Australia misalnya.
> --------------
> Jingle Bells
> Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh,
> Over the fields we go, laughing all the way.
> Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright,
> What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight.
> Chorus
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride
> And soon Miss Fanny Bright, was seated by my side;
> The horse was lean and lank, misfortune seemed his lot;
> He got into a drifted bank and we got upsot
> (Chorus)
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> A day or two ago, the story I must tell
> I went out on the snow, and on my back I fell;
> A gent was riding by, in a one-horse open sleigh
> He laughed as there I sprawling lie but quickly drove away
> (Chorus)
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> Now the ground is white, go it while you're young
> Take the girls tonight, and sing this sleighing song;
> Just get a bob-tailed bay, two-forty as his speed
> Hitch him to an open sleigh and crack! you'll take the lead
> (Chorus)
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!
> O what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh.
> Bukankah lebih pantas diucapkan groeten, greeting kepada ummat Kristiani
> Zalig Kerkfeest (zalig = nikmat, kerk = gereja), Nikatilah PESTA gereja,
> itu
> lebih tepat ketimbang selamat natal yang kontroversial itu ? Apa salahnya
> selamat natal diganti dengan Nikatilah PESTA gereja?.Bukankah Gus Dur
> almarhum pernah bilang bahwa terhadap kepada yang non-Islam Assalamu
> alaikum
> diganti dengan good morning ?
> Wassalam
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2010 03:30
> Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Fw: [Sabili] christmas
> Sangat mengherankan. Setiap tahun ketika menjelang hari
> Natal, umat Islam (Indonesia) ribut dan seperti kebakaran
> jenggot. Dari tahun ke tahun muncul tulisan/posting
> "denouncing" Natal dengan cerita yang itu-itu juga. Seolah-
> olah ada ketidak ikhlasan kalau ada umat agama lain
> merayakan heri besar agama mereka. Ataukah ini manifestasi
> perasaan rendah diri karena takut kalah bersaing?
> Perasaan rendah diri karena takut kalah bersaing ini
> menonjol karena yang dimusuhi hanyalah umat Nasrani, yang
> bagi orang Islam Indonesia nampak sebagai representasi
> negara-negara maju, sementara umat Hindu atau Budha tidak
> pernah disentuh karena mungkin penganut agama Hindu dan
> Budha sebagian besar berada di negara-negara kurang maju
> sebagaimana juga penganut agama Islam.
> Kapan umat Islam (Indonesia) bisa bersikap dewasa?
> KM
> ----Original Message----
> From: <>
> Date: 24/12/2010 22:42
> To: < <>>
> Subj: [wanita-muslimah] Fw: [Sabili] christmas
> Forwarded by HMNA
> Because you have right to know
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Leo Imanov" < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 20:53
> Subject: [Sabili] christmas
> Ignorantly they have assumed that Christmas is typically
> associated with
> nationalism rather than theology, and in their fervent
> desire to assimilate
> into a British identity...
> As Muslims who live in the West, we find ourselves
> surrounded by a culture
> of
> capitalism which utilizes anything in its means to further
> its spread and
> acceptance. Amid this culture is the widespread acceptance
> of the 25th of
> December being the birthday of Jesus Christ. However, as
> Pastors and
> Priests of
> the Christian faith have accepted over the years, this is
> an erroneous
> claim.
> Nevertheless they have continued to re-enact the nativity
> in their churches
> and
> narrate stories surrounding it which clearly demonstrates
> both their lack
> of
> desire for the truth and the way in which they easily
> accept falsehood and
> implement it into their religion.
> Additionally, there is a phenomenon among a number of
> Muslims to partake in
> the
> Christmas festivities where they erect Christmas trees
> and exchange gifts.
> Ignorantly they have assumed that Christmas is typically
> associated with
> nationalism rather than theology, and in their fervent
> desire to assimilate
> into a British identity they feel obliged to get
> involved. However, as this
> article aims to demonstrate, Christmas is deeply
> theological and
> additionally,
> based in pagan and not Christian beliefs.
> Christmas, also known as Christ's Mass, is arguably the
> most popular
> celebration that takes place in the West. It is an annual
> holiday which
> celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on the 25th of
> December. Generally,
> festivities are combined with both secular and pagan
> customs and begin on
> the
> 24th of December until after Boxing Day (26th of
> December). For a long time
> people have assumed that Christmas Day is the actual day
> of the birth of
> Jesus
> Christ, however, there is much proof to the contrary
> which is found in the
> bible and the books of history.
> A close reading of the New Testament provides no specific
> date for the
> birth
> of Jesus. Additionally, only two gospels of the four
> actually narrate the
> nativity story although both apparently contradict each
> other. The Gospel
> of
> Luke describes how the archangel Gabriel came to Mary to
> inform her of a
> son to
> be born to her. She responded that she was a virgin to
> which the angel then
> stated 'nothing will be impossible with God' to which she
> replied 'here I
> am
> the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according with
> the Lord's
> word.'1Whilst pregnant, Mary and her husband traveled to
> Bethlehem to
> register
> for a national census. Having found no room at an inn,
> they lodged in the
> barn.
> Meanwhile an angel appeared to some shepherds nearby and
> informed them of
> Jesus' birth whilst at that moment a 'heavenly host'
> appeared to them and
> said
> 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace
> to men on whom his
> favor rests.'2Based on the accounts in Luke of the
> shepherds' activities,
> the
> time of year depicted for Jesus' birth could possibly be
> either spring or
> summer thus contradicting the notion that Christ was born
> in winter. The
> Gospel
> of Matthew narrates a different version of events, and
> relates that the
> 'good
> news' was told to Joseph (and not Mary) in a dream, after
> which he fled
> with
> his family to Egypt seeking safety from Herod. Matthew
> also included the
> story
> of the foreign magi (three wise men) although Luke
> mentions shepherds who
> are
> guarding their flock nearby. These contradictions are
> clearly apparent and
> have
> clearly confused most Christians as there is no clear
> narration detailing
> Christ's birth, to the extent that most Christians are
> ignorant of the fact
> that Jesus is narrated as having traveled to Egypt in the
> early part of his
> life. Although there is a possibility of reconciling the
> two narrations by
> means of combining the two stories, it seems extremely
> questionable that
> Luke
> fails to mention the Maji, and Matthew the 'heavenly
> host.' Thus we see
> many
> nativity plays which differ from one another where
> Christians randomly pick
> and
> choose events which they believe will increase the
> entertaining value of
> the
> play.
> In re-analysing story in the narration of Matthew, it is
> noticeable that
> pagan
> acts manage to sneak into the story. We are told of the
> magi from the East
> who
> come to worship Jesus. Most historiansconsider the Magis
> Midian Zoroastrian
> priests who were experts in astronomy. Some Muslim
> commentators have argued
> that 'worship' here meant sajdah al ta'dheem (prostration
> out of respect)
> which
> is likely if the story is true as Persians were known to
> prostrate in front
> of
> their kings out of respect. However, the narration of
> Luke completely
> disregards the Magi - and it seems probable due to the
> fact that Luke's
> version
> is more consistent with Christian theology. Additionally
> he narrates the
> verse
> 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace
> to men on whom His
> favor rests'3which refutes many Christian beliefs as it
> implies three
> things:
> 1. that God is not the baby Jesus which is born to Mary
> based on the fact
> that
> God is "in the highest heaven" and Jesus is a baby on
> Earth;
> 2. that Jesus is a man of those 'on whom His favor rests';
> 3. God is in/above the heavens and not everywhere as most
> Christians and
> pantheists claim.
> Even though there are many major discrepancies in the
> nativity story, a
> brief
> look at Christianity proves that the early Christians
> disregarded the
> birthday
> of Jesus as is evident through the fact that Iraneus and
> Tertullian4did not
> list Christmas as a Christian festival and omitted it from
> their list of
> feasts.5 There is additional proof which states that
> Christians held
> birthdays
> as sinful. Origen6states, 'of all the holy people in the
> Scriptures, no one
> is
> recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on
> his birthday. It
> is
> only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great
> rejoicings over the
> day
> on which they were born into this world below.'7Thus
> theologically,
> celebrations
> surrounding birthdays were not only non-existentin early
> Christianity, but
> also
> quite deviant.
> This then begs the question, when and where did Christmas
> come about? We
> find
> in most records that Christmas began to be practiced as a
> festival as early
> as
> the 4th century by Roman Christians and gained
> significant prominence when
> Charlemagne8was crowned in the year 800 AD on the 25th of
> December.
> Originally,
> the pagans celebrated a number of festivals during the
> winter solstice such
> as
> Saturnalia, Sol Invinctus and Yule. All of these had a
> profound
> contribution in
> forming Christmas during the spread of Christianity
> throughout Europe.
> Saturnalia was the festival that the pagan Romans
> celebrated in order to
> commemorate the temple of Saturn. On this day, just as
> Christmas day,
> public
> festivities would ensue which involved sacrifices and the
> making and giving
> of
> small presents, saturnalia et sigillaricia. Additionally,
> there was a time
> of
> general relaxation, feasting, merry-making, and a
> cessation of formal
> rules.9During Saturnalia, business was postponed and even
> slaves feasted.
> There
> was drinking, gambling, singing, and even public nudity.
> It was the 'best
> of
> days' according to the poet Catullus10, a time to 'eat,
> drink, and be
> merry'.
> Pagans decorated their houses with clippings of evergreen
> shrubs and
> decorated
> living trees with bits of metal and replicas of their
> God, Bacchus. It is
> noted
> that Tertullian complained that too many Christians were
> imitating
> paganistic
> practice of adorning their houses with lamps and wreathes
> of laurel during
> the
> winter solstice. In addition, the Talmud and
> Mishna11relate accounts of a
> pagan
> festival called Saturnura which has claimed its origins
> to Adam, the first
> man,
> who noticed that the days were getting shorter and
> assumed that it was
> punishment for his sin. Afraid that the world was
> returning to the chaos
> and
> emptiness that existed before creation, he fasted for
> eight days out of
> repentance. Once he realised that this was the natural
> cycle of the world,
> he
> celebrated for eight days, a tradition which later turned
> into a pagan
> festival.12
> Another pagan festival which has heavily influenced
> Christmas is Sol
> Invinctus
> which was celebrated by Romans in veneration of solar
> deities such as Elah
> Gabal (also known as Baal), Sol and Mithras. Followers of
> the god's would
> gather together on the 25th of December and celebrate Dies
> Natalis Solis
> Invicti
> or 'the birthday of the unconquered sun', the object of
> veneration. They
> considered the sun 'unconquered' due to the fact that it
> 'survives' the
> reduced
> daylight hours during the winter solstice. This festival
> most closely
> resembles
> Christmas given that it is on the same day to the extent
> that a Syriac
> Bishop
> wrote, 'It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the
> same 25th
> December
> the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in
> token of
> festivity. In
> these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took
> part. Accordingly
> when
> the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians
> had a leaning to
> this
> festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true
> Nativity should be
> solemnised on that day.'13As is evident, the Church chose
> the 25th of
> December
> as a religious celebration in order to sanctify the fact
> that Christians
> were
> celebrating an openly pagan festival. To that extent the
> Catholic
> Encyclopedia
> states, 'The well-known solar feast, however, of Natalis
> Invicti,
> celebrated on
> 25th December, has a strong claim on the responsibility
> for our December
> date.'14
> Most traditions which have passed on to Christians in the
> UK are derived
> from
> Yule which is celebrated in Scandinavia and used
> interchangeably with
> Christmas. Although it became a Christian festival during
> the process of
> Christianisation, it was deeply pagan and many traditions
> were carried over
> into Christianity, especially the way in which Christmas
> is practiced in
> the UK
> and consequently the United States. When the Germanic
> peoples began to
> convert,
> missionaries found it convenient to provide a Christian
> reinterpretation of
> popular pagan holidays such as Yule and allowed the pagan
> celebrations
> themselves to go on largely unchanged - examples being
> that of decorating
> Christmas trees, eating roasted Pig, and hanging
> mistletoe and holly. These
> practices have no basis in Christian texts, and some are
> actually
> condemned.
> For example, as is common during Christmas, many people
> including Muslims
> erect Christmas trees in their homes adorning them with
> decorations such as
> tinsel, fairy lights and baubles. Underneath the tree
> there are usually a
> pile
> of presents which are opened on Christmas day. However,
> all of these
> practices
> originate from paganism. Erecting trees and adorning them
> for celebrations
> originated from pre-Christianity, to the extent that
> Jeremiah states in the
> Old
> Testament, 'For the customs of the people are vain: for
> one cuts a tree out
> of
> the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with
> the axe. They deck
> it
> with silver and with gold;,they fasten it with nails and
> with hammers, that
> it
> move not.'15Additionally, the actual Christmas trees used
> in Britain stem
> from
> Norse paganism (and their celebrations during Yule),
> while decorations
> such as
> baubles represent the sun synonymous with the festival of
> Sol Invinctus. A
> practice which resembles Saturnalia is kissing under the
> mistletoe, and
> although fornication is explicitly forbidden in
> Christianity, many people
> have
> adopted this pagan practice of kissing strangers using
> mistletoe as an
> excuse
> to satisfy sexual desires - it was first practiced in
> Britain during
> solstitial
> rites among the pagan Druids.
> Another major myth and tradition surrounding Christmas is
> that of Santa
> Claus.
> The name is actually a mispronunciation of the Dutch name
> Sinterklass (from
> St
> Nicholas). It is widely held that Santa Claus is a
> representation of Saint
> Nicholas and stories surrounding his charitable life. In
> Germanic and Norse
> mythology a figure by the name of Odin who was considered
> a major pagan god
> who
> would be 'seen' hunting in the sky during Yule. According
> to Siefker,
> children
> would place their boots, filled with carrot, straw or
> sugar, near the
> chimney
> for Odin's flying horse, Sleipnir, to eat. Odin would
> then reward those
> children for their kindness by replacing Sleipnir's food
> with gifts or
> sweets.16The physical appearance of Odin resembles that of
> Santa Claus like
> the
> beard, hat and staff, and the cloth bag held by the
> servants to capture
> naughty
> children. Although widespread images of Santa Claus are
> based upon American
> (and usually capitalist) representations, the notion of a
> fat bearded
> flying
> man come from entrenched pagan beliefs.
> Even though most of the West has immersed itself into the
> Christmas culture
> without questioning its origins or pagan connotations,
> the paganisation of
> the
> Christian faith has not gone unnoticed by all, rather we
> see in the past
> that
> Christmas was rejected by many Protestant groups during
> the 16th century,
> and
> in addition, Puritans of 17th century England and America
> banned the
> festival
> of Christmas as pagan. Oliver Cromwell also banned
> Christmas after the
> English
> Civil War due to the belief that it was a pagan belief
> which encouraged sin
> and
> immorality interpolated into the Christian faith.
> Christians suchas Jehovah
> Witnesses continue to hold beliefs similar to the Puritans
> and reject the
> notion of Christmas altogether.
> We also find that the process of secularization has caused
> Christmas in the
> past few years to lose all remnants of the Christian faith
> and has made it
> a
> secular holiday with paganistic practices. Capitalist
> ideals have utilized
> the
> festival to make even more money from theologically-
> ignorant shoppers,
> causing
> them to drown in debt. As Muslims we must refrain from
> becoming involved in
> such practices whether it is in the name of nationalism
> or integration. The
> Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stated: 'whoever
> imitates a people
> is
> one of them'17and Abdullah Ibn al-'Aas (may Allah be
> pleased with him) said,
> "Whoever lives in the land of the polytheists and
> celebrates their Nawrooz
> (New
> Year) and their festivals imitating until he dies, he
> will be a loser on
> the
> Day of Resurrection." This is not to say that Muslims
> should not shop
> during
> this period but there are some that are affected by the
> culture of
> capitalism
> and squander during the Christmas period. It is not an
> innocent festival
> based
> on regional customs, but an ideological celebration based
> on the
> theological
> beliefs of Christians and pagans, and used by capitalists
> to exploit
> unaware
> citizens.
> Allah the Most High states,
> And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass
> by some evil play
> or
> evil talk, they pass it by with dignity.18
> We as Muslims should pass this festival by with dignity,
> refraining from
> the
> office parties', Christmas celebrations, the exchange of
> gifts, and even
> exchanging Christmas greetings. There are a number of
> reasons for this;
> firstly, to become involved in a festival is to sanction
> the beliefs behind
> such a festival and as Muslims we are forbidden to
> sanction anything other
> than
> Islam. Just as we as Muslims distance ourselves from
> celebrations such as
> Diwali (Hinduism) and Hanukkah (Judaism), we must also do
> so with
> Christmas. By
> celebrating Christmas, not only do we sanction pagan and
> Christian
> practices,
> but we imply that the festival of polytheism is pleasing
> to us although
> Allah
> states,
> This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed
> My favour upon
> you,
> and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.19
> Secondly, Allah describes Christians as "those who went
> astray" in the
> opening
> chapter of the Qur'an, thus to celebrate something that is
> not even
> sanctioned
> in their religion is to imply that their straying is of
> no consequence.
> Thirdly, to take part in their festivities or to give
> greetings such as
> 'merry/happy Christmas' is to encourage and congratulate
> them in their
> actions
> instead of censuring them for their falsehood. This is in
> opposition to
> Qur'anic teachings whereby Allah states,
> They believe in Allah and the Last Day; they enjoin what
> is right, and
> forbid
> what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all)
> good works: They are
> in
> the ranks of the righteous.20
> >
> >Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help
> ye not one
> >another in
> >sin and rancour. Fear Allah, for Allah is strict in
> punishment.21
> Muslims, by the grace of Allah, have been afforded a
> complete way of life
> which
> details that which is best and most beneficial for the
> entire human race.
> We
> have the Qur'an and sunnah, and to cling to them is an
> aspect of the faith,
> regardless of the taunts of liberal Muslims and non-
> Muslims who may call us
> 'radicals' and 'fundamentalists'. To befundamental is a
> part of Islam as
> A'ishah
> (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Prophet
> (peace be upon
> him)
> said 'Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours
> (Islam) that is
> not a
> part of it will have it rejected.'22
> Christmas remains a stark warning and example to Muslims
> of what can happen
> to
> Islam if we were to accept innovations into our faith. To
> cling to the
> Qur'an
> and sunnah as understood by the salaf is the only way to
> remain within the
> sanctified parameters of our deen. Christmas is a
> phenomenon that should
> encite
> the awareness of the Muslim laity to be mindful about
> those from whom they
> take
> their religion and religious knowledge. We thank Allah
> for preserving our
> faith and pray that he bestow upon us the ability to stay
> on the Straight
> Path.
> __________________________________________________________
> Notes:
> Source:
> 1. Luke 1:31-38
> 2. Luke 2:8-15
> 3. Luke 2:8-15
> 4. Early distinguished fathers and scholars of the
> Christian Church.
> 5. The Catholic Encyclopedia
> 6. An early Christian scholar and theologian who is
> considered one of the
> most
> distinguished early fathers of the Christian Church.
> 7. Origen, in Levit., Hom. VIII, in Migne P.G., XII, 495
> 8. Considered the father of Europe
> 9.<>
> 10.
> 11. Important Jewish texts
> 12. Avodah Zara 8a
> 13. Cited in MacMullen. R. Christianity and Paganism in
> the Fourth to Eighth
> Centuries. Yale:1997
> 14.
> 15. Jeremiah 10:3-4
> 16. Siefker. P. Santa Claus, Last of the Wild Men: The
> Origins and
> Evolution of
> Saint Nicholas, Spanning 50,000 Years. McFarland:1997
> 17. Related in Sunan Abu Dawud
> 18. Surah al-Furqan 25:72
> 19. Surah al-Ma'idah 5:3
> 20. Surah Aali Imran 3:114
> 21. Surah al-Ma'idah 5:2
> 22. Related in Sahih al-Bukhari
> "Fa maadza ba'da-lhaqq, illa-dl_dlalaal"
> Leo Imanov
> Abdu-lLah
> AllahsSlave
> Subscribe to risalah-alfurqan
> Powered by

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