
Thursday, 28 January 2010

[wanita-muslimah] Diskusi Saya dgn Seorang Simpatisan Taliban; Apakah Kitab2 ALLAH itu Masih ASLI?


Assalamu'alaikum wrwb

Bersama ini saya postkan sebuah diskusi saya dengan seorang sympatisan Taliban, Gustrisehat
mengenai ke Aslian Kitab2 ALLAH; Taurat,Injil dan Al Quran.

Apakah anda percaya bahwa kitab2 Taurat,Injil dan Al quran itu benar2 asli, tidak ada yang terlupakan , atau di palsukan, atau di tambah2 oleh peng edit atau menyusun2 kitab2 itu ribuan tahun yang lalu?

Bagaimana anda bisa membuktikannya bahwa kitab2 itu masih asli?

Pertanyaan ini sering di kemukakan oleh pemuda2 yang kritis, yang berpikirnya lihat fakta, dll

Sedangkan beragama itu tidak semua yang ada bisa di lihat dgn mata kesat, yang tidak terlihatpun harus percaya, itulah yang dinamakan agama atau keyakinan atau iman.Benar bukan?

Inilah diskusi kami dgn sdr Gustrisehat; dalam bahasa English yang sederhana. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua.



That is the Fact. not from the other,
Moses was born in Egypt, and he grow up, in the Palace of Fir'aun, what language did Fir'aun Speak....? So Moses must speak like Fir'aun speak. Where the Umah of moses Live...? On Egypt.
So, the Umah of Moses Speak, must speak like the umah of fir'aun speak....?...answer please....!
Am I Right....? The Tauroh was written in EGYPTHIAN, not in HEBREW.
just from the FACT...!

Abaut " Moses was 1500 yers old when he died....? you can read on those Book (the Old testament).

Abaut the new Testament....That is the Fact. From the Fact, that holy Bibble was translated from Bibblos. You can Find in Museum of London, wich they give the name, Codex vaticanus, Codex alexandrianus, Codex Mauriticanus, Codex...codex....(2412 Codex, that the whole apart was different. There is no two codex was similar).

Read those Book (the Holy Bible) you'l find your self that the Book was full of mistakes, Contradiction, inkonsistensi.....You will find Your self...!

I'm just telling you the thruth from the Fact..!

I do bilieve the Qur'an, n Qur'an telling us that we must respect on the Tauroh (the Book of Moses) and the Injiil (the Book Of Jesus).


The Old Testament was not The Tauroh, and The New testament was not The Injiil.</font>


Respond saya;

Hi Gustrisehat.
demikianlah pada umumnya umat islam, tidak bisa menghormati pendapat yg berbeda beda..
hanya bisa menghukum orang lain dgn kekerasan atas nama ALLAH.

Respond Bpk terhadap pertanyaan anda; begini

Gustri sehat, may ALLAH bless you always and your family too.

As we know that, all original holy book ( al quran,taurat and Injeel) from ALLAH swt not exits any more in this earth.
Because all original verses from ALLAH was written on some stones, some on leaves,and some on animal skins...some people memorized all verses...

So therefore, there are no original holy books, what we have today are copies; These copies were edited by people thousand years ago....can you imagine that....!

Do you know who edited all holy book from ALLAH? I believe no one can answer correctly it. Do you believe those men you never see them?
Why we all believer of that books are true God laws?

We believe GOD and we believe Al Kitabs...this is our FAITH in islam...
Some one do not has faith, they do not believe Al Quran, Taurat and injeel are true verses from God.
We, Muslim are believer, Nasrani and yahudi are believer of God.

Because we believer, we believe what ALLAH said in Al Quran are true 100%, are not we?
One of ALLAH's verse said that;
Verily, We it is We Who have sent down Dhikr (the Al quran) and surely.
We will guard it (from corruption) (QS.15:9)

Therefore, we believe that Al Quran is 100% true of God's saying.
Is your faith same as mine? If yes, we are brothers in the same faith.

Now taurat and injeel.
Million2 of Kristen and yahudi believe that Taurat and Injeel are God's saying.or ALLAH's verses.

They believe Bible as we believe ALQuran are God's Verses...
They believe one of God Verses as bellow;
Every one who hears the prophetic words of this book; If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to his punishment the plagues describe in this book. And If anyone takes anything away from the prophetic words of this book.God will take away from him his share of the fruit of the tree of life and of the Holy City, which are described in this book.Rev.22:18

That are their FAITH...same as Muslim Faith...we believe Al quran is true 100%
They believe too Taurat and Injeel are true 100% God's verses.

If we judge some one FAITH, he will judge us too..
GOD said in AlQuran; your faith is for you, my faith is for me...
so do not judge one another .respect one another...that ALLAH ask us to respect..

In my faith; everything is good and true come from ALLAH.
Everything is bad not true come from Evil.

How do you know it is bad or good, or it is true or not true?
to know that we have to filter everything with Al quran.
Al quran is the best filter in this find the real true.

when you read Taurat or Injeel, and you find one verse, and filter with al quran.if it is not against Al quran, that verse is true God law....If you find against Al Quran, it is not true, but false.

1.Love God with all your heart, wuth all your solu and with all your mind..
love your neighbor as you love your self. Love your enemies, bless those who curses you, do good to those hates on...
These verses are true from ALLAH swt..not against Al quran..

2. You and your descendants must all agree to circumcise every male among you. From now on you must circumcise every baby boy when his eight days old.(Genesis 17:10).

this verse is not written in Al quran, but is not against Al rasullah saw took it as muslim's law..

3.Exodus 22:21 If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not be like a moneylender charge him no interest.
Definition of "riba" is not written in Al quran, but we can find in Taurat..

4.God said; "You will have to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce anything, until you go back to the soil from which you were formed. You were made from the soil, and you will become soil again" (Genesis 3.18-19.)

ALLAH ask people to work harder, do not be lazy. This verse is good and true.

5.A good man leaves an inheritance to children's children.
ALLAH ask us to work hard in order we leave an inheritance as much as possible for the next generation...this is good God'law....

6.Set aside a tithe---a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.deuterronomy 14:22

Verily, we as Muslim shall pay zakat 10% to help poor people..instead of 2.5 % is to small.

7.Why you judge your brothers? Why you show contempt for your brother? For we shall stand all before God to be judged by Him. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore. Everyone will knee before God and Every one of us, then will have to give an account of himself to God. Roma 14:10.

What is wrong ? there are good staffs...we take all good things, and we leave all bad things

all my dear brothers
Let us love each other, respect differences and fear ALLAH and love ALLAH
do not judge our brother's faith, respect we can have happy relation ship in this world.Let ALLAH will judge us all.....

That all I can tell, to convince you all,may ALLAH guide us the right path..amin

Wassalamualaikum wrwb

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