Mini-Brains' Not Miniskirts the Issue in Indonesia: Pramono
Ezra Sihite, Dessy Sagita & Markus Junianto Sihaloho | March 30, 2012
Ezra Sihite, Dessy Sagita & Markus Junianto Sihaloho | March 30, 2012
The statement by Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali that an anti-pornography task force was planning to regulate the heights of skirts continued to reap scorn on Thursday, including from one critic who said the problem was not the miniskirts but rather "mini-brains."
Deputy House of Representatives Speaker Pramono Anung said regulating skirts was not a state priority.
"The state or the government should not regulate miniskirts. Our society respect equality and does not hold women in contempt," he said.
He also said that the state had other priorities to deal with.
"What needs to be regulated are mini-brains and mini-morals," Pramono said.
"I do not agree with a regulation on miniskirts."
Golkar Party lawmaker Nurul Arifin also attacked the stance of the presidentially established anti-pornography task force, which includes Suryadharma as a member.
"Do not turn women into political toys that can be subordinated and discriminated against. The state has, in a structural way, acted unfairly against its citizens in cases like this," Nurul said.
She said the heights of skirts had no link to the mounting cases of rape and sexual harassment against women. Suryadharma's stance was "very discriminatory," Nurul said.
Nurul added that she pitied the male members of the task force, who she said seem to have their lust determined by the shortness of women's skirts.
Lugina Setyawati, a sociologist from the University of Indonesia, expressed disappointment with the task force's approach.
"It appears that the gender-mainstreaming programs initiated by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection has not progressed or even remained stagnant. It has regressed," Lugina said.
She added that the dress one wears should not be used to gauge the morality of the wearer.
"The responsibility over moral propriety is shared by both genders," Lugina said. "Why should it always be the female who has to bear the responsibility?
"Why should women be asked to improve themselves and the way they dress while men are not asked to do something about the pornography that is clearly inside their heads?"
One of the few voices of support for Suryadharma came from the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI), with its fatwa chief, Ma'ruf Amin, saying the institution supported regulations on women's attire.
"MUI is in support of a regulation on the way women should dress. In religion there is a rule that women should cover their aurat [entire body except the hands and face]," Ma'ruf said.
Deputy House of Representatives Speaker Pramono Anung said regulating skirts was not a state priority.
"The state or the government should not regulate miniskirts. Our society respect equality and does not hold women in contempt," he said.
He also said that the state had other priorities to deal with.
"What needs to be regulated are mini-brains and mini-morals," Pramono said.
"I do not agree with a regulation on miniskirts."
Golkar Party lawmaker Nurul Arifin also attacked the stance of the presidentially established anti-pornography task force, which includes Suryadharma as a member.
"Do not turn women into political toys that can be subordinated and discriminated against. The state has, in a structural way, acted unfairly against its citizens in cases like this," Nurul said.
She said the heights of skirts had no link to the mounting cases of rape and sexual harassment against women. Suryadharma's stance was "very discriminatory," Nurul said.
Nurul added that she pitied the male members of the task force, who she said seem to have their lust determined by the shortness of women's skirts.
Lugina Setyawati, a sociologist from the University of Indonesia, expressed disappointment with the task force's approach.
"It appears that the gender-mainstreaming programs initiated by the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection has not progressed or even remained stagnant. It has regressed," Lugina said.
She added that the dress one wears should not be used to gauge the morality of the wearer.
"The responsibility over moral propriety is shared by both genders," Lugina said. "Why should it always be the female who has to bear the responsibility?
"Why should women be asked to improve themselves and the way they dress while men are not asked to do something about the pornography that is clearly inside their heads?"
One of the few voices of support for Suryadharma came from the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI), with its fatwa chief, Ma'ruf Amin, saying the institution supported regulations on women's attire.
"MUI is in support of a regulation on the way women should dress. In religion there is a rule that women should cover their aurat [entire body except the hands and face]," Ma'ruf said.
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