
Friday 2 April 2010

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Bukankah Ini kutukan dari ALLAH--->USA akan menggati dgn yg Halal


----- Original Message -----
From: "abdul" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 17:16
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Bukankah Ini kutukan dari ALLAH--->USA akan menggati dgn yg Halal

Kalau kita baca Media cetak, mereka,TALIBAN sangat keras untuk membela dan menegakan Syariat Islam. Wanita2 dipaksa berpakaian Jilbab dan laki laki dipaksa berjabang dan berjenggot serta berpakaian sunnah Rasul.

Namun ternyata; "90 percent of the world's heroin." datang dari daerah2 Taliban Afganistan. Nauzubillah.


A report in US Portland Independent Media sheds light on the situation: Before 1980, Afghanistan produced 0% of the world's opium. But then the CIA moved in, and by 1986 they were producing 40% of the world's heroin supply. By 1999, they were churning out 3,200 TONS of heroin a year nearly 80% of the total market supply. But then something unexpected
happened. The Taliban rose to power, and by 2000 they had destroyed nearly all of the opium fields. Production dropped from 3,000+ tons to only 185 tons, a 94% reduction!"

Only belatedly did major news outlets like the Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press and the Washington Post begin to acknowledge, in stories placed well back in the paper, and with much less emphasis, that the Northern Alliance - their allies against the Taliban - were in real control of the heroin trade. Smuggling routes have shifted from south through Pakistan northward through Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

Indeed there is compelling evidence that the US and the western capitalist establishments (via the CIA) are directly involved in narco-trafficing. Investigative journalist Mike Ruppert commented:

"Until February, Afghanistan had been the world's largest producer of opium/heroin, claiming close to 70% of the world's total production. That opium, consumed largely in Western Europe and smuggled through the Balkans, was a direct source of cash deposits in Western financial institutions and markets.

... Prior to the WTC attacks, credible sources, including the U.S. government, the IMF, Le Monde and the U.S. Senate placed the amount of drug cash flowing into Wall Street and U.S. banks at around $250-$300 billion a year."

This US involvement in narco-trafficking suggests a compelling interest on the part of the capitalist establishment (including Big Energy, Banks, Wall Street and arms dealers) to prosecute the war in Afghanistan. With the giants of industry on board, its no surprise they whipped up pre-war hysteria on front pages and TVs across the western world. Virtually, every major institution in American life (including the Congress) is committed to this new crusade.

The reality is that the CIA has a history of involvement in the Drug Trade across the world as the following summary from the work of author and former US State Department William Blum official highlights. All of the above leads to the stark conclusion that their is a connection between drugs and terrorism - US State terrorism that is, that uses the
proceeds to fund its CIA black operations.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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