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Sunday, 31 July 2011

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa

Para pencari Tuahan sinetronnya pak dedi mizwar
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-----Original Message-----
From: "Kartono Mohamad" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 03:13:01
To: <>
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa

Apa itu PPT?
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-----Original Message-----
From: "Lina" <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2011 02:53:30
To: <>
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa

Kenapa gajah dan semut gak pernah akur? karena mereka gak pernah bisa saling berpelukan. Selamat nongton PPT jilid 5...

--- In, aldiy@... wrote:
> Kenapa anak babi jalannya nunduk? Malu karena ibunya babi.
> Kenapa anak kelinci jalannya loncat2an? Yaa namanya juga anak-anak..
> Selamat sahur perdana!
> Salam
> Mia
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Milis Wanita Muslimah
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Milis Wanita Muslimah
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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa


ooh itu om dokter, sinetron na Om Dedy Mizwar di SCTV "Para Pencari Tuhan". Menjelang saur dan menjelang berbuka. Sinetron bagus gak kayak sinetron murahan na...siapa tuh..xixixixi...

met puasa, Om.


--- In, "Kartono Mohamad" <kmjp47@...> wrote:
> Apa itu PPT?
> Sent from my BlackBerry®
> powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Lina" <linadahlan@...>
> Sender:
> Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2011 02:53:30
> To: <>
> Reply-To:
> Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa
> Kenapa gajah dan semut gak pernah akur? karena mereka gak pernah bisa saling berpelukan. Selamat nongton PPT jilid 5...
> wassalam,
> --- In, aldiy@ wrote:
> >
> > Kenapa anak babi jalannya nunduk? Malu karena ibunya babi.
> > Kenapa anak kelinci jalannya loncat2an? Yaa namanya juga anak-anak..
> > Selamat sahur perdana!
> > Salam
> > Mia
> > Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa

Apa itu PPT?
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-----Original Message-----
From: "Lina" <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2011 02:53:30
To: <>
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa

Kenapa gajah dan semut gak pernah akur? karena mereka gak pernah bisa saling berpelukan. Selamat nongton PPT jilid 5...

--- In, aldiy@... wrote:
> Kenapa anak babi jalannya nunduk? Malu karena ibunya babi.
> Kenapa anak kelinci jalannya loncat2an? Yaa namanya juga anak-anak..
> Selamat sahur perdana!
> Salam
> Mia
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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[wanita-muslimah] Bulan Ramadhan, Bulan Kasih Sayang


Bulan Ramadhan, Bulan Kasih Sayang

By: M. Agus Syafii

Setiap kali memasuki bulan suci Ramadhan di Jakarta setiap Masjid manapun seperti berlomba-lomba menyediakan hidangan secara gratis untuk para jamaahnya yang berpuasa. Bahkan dijalan-jalan terkadang Remaja Masjid membagikan kue atau makanan, minuman bagi pengendara untuk berbuka. Tentu saja di bulan suci Ramadhan adalah bulan kasih sayang atau istilah populernya disebut dengan al- Maidah al-Rahman. Ada sebuah semangat dibulan Ramadhan yaitu kesadaran untuk berbagi kasih sayang tentunya agak sulit ditemukan pada bulan-bulan diluar bulan Ramadhan. Wujud kasih sayang berbentuk hidangan berbuka puasa yang diberikan cuma-cuma bukan hanya di masjid, banyak individu maupun perusahaan menyalurkan shodaqohnya untuk kaum faqir miskin, anak-anak yatim maupun mereka yang membutuhkan.  Semangat ini lebih didasarkan kepada ada kasih sayang pada diri setiap insan yang menjalankan ibadah puasa.

Puasa bukan hanya menahan haus dan lapar namun juga tindakan-tindakan amal sholeh yang turut serta merasakan penderitaan orang lain. Selama bulan suci Ramadhan siapapun orangnya dengan status sosial, kedudukan dan pangkatnya harus melaksanakan ibadah puasa.  Puasa menjadi landasan kesadaran untuk menyebarkan cinta dan kasih sayang bagi sesamanya. Bulan Ramadhan senantiasa dihiasi dengan kasih sayang karena puasa menghadirkan kesabaran. Sebagaimana Sabda Baginda Nabi Muhamad SAW, 'Assyiamu nisfu sobri' berpuasa adalah sebagian dari kesabaran. Maka bagi kita yang menunaikan ibadah puasa hakekatnya untuk membangun kesabaran. Kesabaran inilah yang menjadi jati diri seorang muslim yang mampu merubah benci menjadi cinta.

Sudah sepatutnya di bulan yang suci Ramadhan, sifat-sifat  cinta dan kasih sayang pada diri kita mampu diwujudkan dalam hati dan perilaku sehari-hari. Dalam puasa merupakan arena tarbiyah Ilahiah untuk mengokohkan peradaban kesabaran. Puasa haruslah dapat mengerem pelbagai tindakan yang tidak terpuji.  Mari  dalam rangka menyambut bulan suci Ramadhan di bulan penuh berkah ini kita menyebarkan cinta dan kasih sayang kepada semua makhluk dimuka bumi agar puasa kita menjadi sempurna.

M. Agus Syafii
Yuk, raih keberkahan ramadhan hadir pada kegiatan 'Berkah Ramadhan Bersama Amalia' (BELIA) jam 4 s.d 6 sore, Ahad, 14 Agustus 2011. Bila berkenan berpartisipasi buku2, pakaian, peralatan sekolah, peralatan sholat, konsumsi berbuka. Kirimkan ke Rumah Amalia. Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, no. 24 Komplek Peruri, Ciledug. Tangerang 15151. Dukungan & partisipasi anda sangat berarti bagi kami. Info: atau SMS 087 8777 12 431

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[wanita-muslimah] Re: Serba-serbi puasa


Kenapa gajah dan semut gak pernah akur? karena mereka gak pernah bisa saling berpelukan. Selamat nongton PPT jilid 5...

--- In, aldiy@... wrote:
> Kenapa anak babi jalannya nunduk? Malu karena ibunya babi.
> Kenapa anak kelinci jalannya loncat2an? Yaa namanya juga anak-anak..
> Selamat sahur perdana!
> Salam
> Mia
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Recent Activity:
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Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[wanita-muslimah] Kesehatan Sumber Kebahagiaan

INILAH.COM, London - Semua orang mendambakan kebahagiaan. Untuk bahagia, ternyata hanya membutuhkan hal-hal kecil. Seperti, kesehatan, teman dan keluarga.

Mengutip femalefirst, Selasa (26/7), hidup bahagia ternyata hanya membutuhkan hal-hal kecil. Sebagaimana diketahui, sebelumnya banyak orang mengatakan memiliki situasi keuangan yang nyaman yang dapat memberi kebahagiaan. Namun penelitian terbaru menunjukkan sebaliknya.

Hasilnya, kesehatan, teman dan keluarga berada di daftar teratas yang menjadi baramoter kebahagiaan. Sekitar 34.000 orang mengatakan apa yang membuatnya sejahtera dan hal-hal apa dalam apa yang membahagiakan kehidupannya.

Temuan dari laporan, yang diterbitkan oleh Kantor Statistik Nasional (ONS) ini merupakan bagian dari program yang lebih luas untuk menemukan apa yang membuat orang-orang Inggris merasa bahagia.

Survei ini dibuat David Cameron, dirancang untuk membantu mengembangkan kebijakan masa depan.

Tetapi para kritikus telah menyatakan bahwa dua juta poundsterling yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan penelitian setiap tahun hanya membuang-buang uang, karena hasil yang diberikan sebelumnya sudah cukup jelas.

Ahli statistik nasional Jil Matheson yang menyusun laporan tersebut mengatakan kepada Sky News, "Perdebatan telah membantu kami mengidentifikasi area kunci yang paling penting dan akan membantu untuk memastikan langkah-langkah yang kita gunakan akan relevan, tidak hanya untuk pemerintah tetapi juga masyarakat luas."

"Ini sangat penting untuk memungkinkan pembangunan yang efektif dan penilaian kebijakan bagi individu untuk menggunakan informasi. Tujuannya untuk mengidentifikasi cara meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan untuk memungkinkan penilaian bagaimana masyarakat melakukannya secara menyeluruh," imbuhnya. [mor]

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Serba-serbi puasa


Dari kesenyapan Sitio-tio resor di Pulau Samosir ,
Kusapa Engkau Saudaraku " Selamat berpuasa"


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 1, 2011, at 3:52 AM, wrote:

> Kenapa anak babi jalannya nunduk? Malu karena ibunya babi.
> Kenapa anak kelinci jalannya loncat2an? Yaa namanya juga anak-anak..
> Selamat sahur perdana!
> Salam
> Mia
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung T
> eruuusss...!
> ------------------------------------
> =======================
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[wanita-muslimah] Serba-serbi puasa

Kenapa anak babi jalannya nunduk? Malu karena ibunya babi.
Kenapa anak kelinci jalannya loncat2an? Yaa namanya juga anak-anak..
Selamat sahur perdana!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!


Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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[wanita-muslimah] Puasa of the day : Puisi- Makna Sebuah Titipan


W.S. Rendra

Sering kali aku berkata, ketika orang memuji milikku,
bahwa :
sesungguhnya ini hanya titipan,
bahwa mobilku hanya titipan Allah
bahwa rumahku hanya titipan Nya,
bahwa hartaku hanya titipan Nya,
bahwa putraku hanya titipan Nya,

Tetapi, mengapa aku tak pernah bertanya,
Mengapa Dia menitipkan padaku?
Untuk apa Dia menitipkan ini pada ku?

Dan kalau bukan milikku,
apa yang harus kulakukan untuk milik Nya ini?
Adakah aku memiliki hak atas sesuatu yang bukan milikku?
Mengapa hatiku justru terasa berat, ketika titipan itu
diminta kembali oleh-Nya?

Ketika diminta kembali,
kusebut itu sebagai musibah
kusebut itu sebagai ujian,
kusebut itu sebagai petaka,
kusebut dengan panggilan apa saja untuk melukiskan
bahwa itu adalah derita.

Ketika aku berdoa,
kuminta titipan yang cocok dengan hawa nafsuku,
aku ingin lebih banyak harta,
ingin lebih banyak mobil,
lebih banyak popularitas,
dan kutolak sakit,
kutolak kemiskinan,
seolah semua derita adalah hukuman bagiku.

Seolah keadilan dan kasih Nya harus berjalan seperti
aku rajin beribadah,
maka selayaknyalah derita menjauh dariku,
dan nikmat dunia kerap menghampiriku.
Kuperlakukan Dia seolah mitra dagang,
dan bukan kekasih.
Kuminta Dia membalas perlakuan baikku,
dan menolak keputusanNya yang tak sesuai keinginanku,

Gusti, padahal tiap hari kuucapkan,
hidup dan matiku hanyalah untuk beribadah.
ketika langit dan bumi bersatu, bencana dan keberuntungan sama saja

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Surat Terbuka Forum Umat Islam (FUI) UmatIslamKepada Presiden SBY

Enak lho... Menang sebelum berperang.. Semua penggoda dibunuh sebelum menggoda.. Mau lulus tanpa ada ujian. Jaman serba instan.. Gak kebayang suatu saat kalo sy lg makan di teras sebuah resto di tegur puluhan fakir miskin yg sdg lapar.. Mereka demo krn belum makan 2 hari sy enak2 makan makanan yg sangat mewah bagi mereka. Yg jelas, negara ini bukan muslim semua. Dr keragaman ini banyak orang Tegal, Padang dll bisa berlebaran dan berbagi rizki bersama handaitaulan mereka dikampung saat lebaran setelah setahun mengais rizki di kota besar dr berjualan makanan.

Selamat melakoni kuliah semester pendek Ramadhan. Semoga sang hikmah dan hidayah serta keberkahan dr Allah menyertai kita semua.

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-----Original Message-----
From: Wikan Danar Sunindyo <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 14:44:23
To: <>
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Surat Terbuka Forum Umat Islam (FUI) Umat
IslamKepada Presiden SBY

ini yang saya tanyakan mas muiz,
mengapa bulan puasa yang seharusnya hidup hemat, malah hidup boros dan jor-joran
saat buat kita untuk memperhatikan nasib orang miskin, kita malah
tambah asyik menambah menu makan kita dan menganggap bayar zakat
fitrah sudah cukup buat mereka
bukannya puasa dijadikan latihan untuk makin sabar dan menahan diri
dari godaan-godaan duniawi
malah kita melarang orang2 yang berhak untuk makan dan mencari makan
dengan cara yang halal dengan anggapan mereka bakal membuat kita
berdosa dan mengurangi kekhusyu'an puasa kita?

bukankah dengan banyaknya cobaan, harusnya kita bisa makin memfokuskan
diri kita mengenai maksud ibadah kita ketimbang asyik mengurusi hal2
remeh temeh yang mengganggu dan merusak puasa kita?


2011/7/31 Abdul Mu'iz <>:
> Kalau salah satu hikmah puasa adalah untuk sehat, ini ada haditsnya.
> Sedangkan dari segi tasawuf puasa adalah untuk pengendalian diri, biasanya boleh makan dan minum dan hubungan dengan istri di siang hari maka di bulan ramadhan stop sementara mulai imsak hingga maghrib, seharusnya moment puasa adalah untuk efisiensi, konsumsi makanan dan minuman turun, lambung bisa istirahat. Kalau malah tingkat konsumsi makin naik dan hidup boros makin tinggi, maka ini merupakan fenomena paradoks.
> Kalau perang pada zaman nabi juga pernah terjadi di bulan ramadhan, maka sebenarnya aktifitas kerja seharusnya tidak dikurangi, seharusnya produktivitas umat islam di bulan Ramadhan makin meningkat karena biasanya siang hari ada "ishoma" istirahat, sholat dan makan siang maka tanpa makan siang harusnya memicu produktivitas kerja. Anehnya jam kerja BUMN dan PNS malah dipotong satu jam di bulan puasa sebelum masuk kantor alias dimundurkan setengah jam dan pulangnya dimajukan setengah jam pula.


Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Surat Terbuka Forum Umat Islam (FUI) Umat IslamKepada Presiden SBY


ini yang saya tanyakan mas muiz,
mengapa bulan puasa yang seharusnya hidup hemat, malah hidup boros dan jor-joran
saat buat kita untuk memperhatikan nasib orang miskin, kita malah
tambah asyik menambah menu makan kita dan menganggap bayar zakat
fitrah sudah cukup buat mereka
bukannya puasa dijadikan latihan untuk makin sabar dan menahan diri
dari godaan-godaan duniawi
malah kita melarang orang2 yang berhak untuk makan dan mencari makan
dengan cara yang halal dengan anggapan mereka bakal membuat kita
berdosa dan mengurangi kekhusyu'an puasa kita?

bukankah dengan banyaknya cobaan, harusnya kita bisa makin memfokuskan
diri kita mengenai maksud ibadah kita ketimbang asyik mengurusi hal2
remeh temeh yang mengganggu dan merusak puasa kita?


2011/7/31 Abdul Mu'iz <>:
> Kalau salah satu hikmah puasa adalah untuk sehat, ini ada haditsnya.
> Sedangkan dari segi tasawuf puasa adalah untuk pengendalian diri, biasanya boleh makan dan minum dan hubungan dengan istri di siang hari maka di bulan ramadhan stop sementara mulai imsak hingga maghrib, seharusnya moment puasa adalah untuk efisiensi, konsumsi makanan dan minuman turun, lambung bisa istirahat. Kalau malah tingkat konsumsi makin naik dan hidup boros makin tinggi, maka ini merupakan fenomena paradoks.
> Kalau perang pada zaman nabi juga pernah terjadi di bulan ramadhan, maka sebenarnya aktifitas kerja seharusnya tidak dikurangi, seharusnya produktivitas umat islam di bulan Ramadhan makin meningkat karena biasanya siang hari ada "ishoma" istirahat, sholat dan makan siang maka tanpa makan siang harusnya memicu produktivitas kerja. Anehnya jam kerja BUMN dan PNS malah dipotong satu jam di bulan puasa sebelum masuk kantor alias dimundurkan setengah jam dan pulangnya dimajukan setengah jam pula.

Recent Activity:
Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web:
Kirim Posting
Milis Keluarga Sejahtera
Milis Anak Muda Islam

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Surat Terbuka Forum Umat Islam (FUI) Umat IslamKepada Presiden SBY

Kalau salah satu hikmah puasa adalah untuk sehat, ini ada haditsnya.

Sedangkan dari segi tasawuf puasa adalah untuk pengendalian diri, biasanya boleh makan dan minum dan hubungan dengan istri di siang hari maka di bulan ramadhan stop sementara mulai imsak hingga maghrib, seharusnya moment puasa adalah untuk efisiensi, konsumsi makanan dan minuman turun, lambung bisa istirahat. Kalau malah tingkat konsumsi makin naik dan hidup boros makin tinggi, maka ini merupakan fenomena paradoks.

Kalau perang pada zaman nabi juga pernah terjadi di bulan ramadhan, maka sebenarnya aktifitas kerja seharusnya tidak dikurangi, seharusnya produktivitas umat islam di bulan Ramadhan makin meningkat karena biasanya siang hari ada "ishoma" istirahat, sholat dan makan siang maka tanpa makan siang harusnya memicu produktivitas kerja. Anehnya jam kerja BUMN dan PNS malah dipotong satu jam di bulan puasa sebelum masuk kantor alias dimundurkan setengah jam dan pulangnya dimajukan setengah jam pula.

Abdul Mu'iz
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: Wikan Danar Sunindyo <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 13:07:47
To: <>
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Surat Terbuka Forum Umat Islam (FUI) Umat Islam
Kepada Presiden SBY

pak nur apakah ada hadits rasulullah untuk mengurangi kerja/kegiatan
di bulan Ramadhan?


2011/7/29 H. M. Nur Abdurrahman <>

> Kelima, hendaknya Saudara memberikan dukungan kepada umat Islam agar sukses dalam ibadah shiyam dan qiyam di bulan Ramadhan dengan mengurangi jam kerja, menerapkan libur sekolah pada bulan Ramadhan atau menggantinya dengan pesantren Ramadhan untuk anak sekolah, dan melarang tayangan-tayangan TV yang tidak mendidik serta menodai makna menghidupkan malam Ramadhan.

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[wanita-muslimah] [Tanka] Wacana Reformasi



[Tanka] Wacana Reformasi

Langit kelabu
Bertirai hujan rintik
Di musim panas
Nyamuk-nyamuk menyengat
Penghisap darah segar

Niat tarekat
Hakikat kehidupan
Surga dunia
Keadilan sosial
Untuk Kemerdekaan

Penguasa militer
Berjubah sipil
Wacana reformasi
Integrasi korupsi

MiRa - Elisabeth Samsonstr, 31 Juli 2011
Information about KUDETA 65/ Coup d'etat '65, click:

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Re: [wanita-muslimah] Surat Terbuka Forum Umat Islam (FUI) Umat Islam Kepada Presiden SBY


pak nur apakah ada hadits rasulullah untuk mengurangi kerja/kegiatan
di bulan Ramadhan?


2011/7/29 H. M. Nur Abdurrahman <>

> Kelima, hendaknya Saudara memberikan dukungan kepada umat Islam agar sukses dalam ibadah shiyam dan qiyam di bulan Ramadhan dengan mengurangi jam kerja, menerapkan libur sekolah pada bulan Ramadhan atau menggantinya dengan pesantren Ramadhan untuk anak sekolah, dan melarang tayangan-tayangan TV yang tidak mendidik serta menodai makna menghidupkan malam Ramadhan.

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Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
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*Sunday, July 31, 2011*

-- *Resolving conflict in Indonesia*

-- Balancing sustainability with economic development

-- 'No vigilantism during Ramadhan'

-- Eradicating corruption? Forgive corrupters, House speaker says

-- Cikeusik verdict 'chilling' message to minorities


*Resolving conflict in Indonesia*
Michael Vatikiotis, Singapore | Sat, 07/30/2011

These days it's so easy to look back at the past decade and marvel at
Indonesia's transition to democracy.

But there are lessons to be learned from the successes and the failures
of the reform era. One of the stand-out successes has been the
country's ability to manage and resolve

The end of the authoritarian era under President Soeharto unleashed
violent centrifugal forces that resulted in the deaths of thousands in
places like West Kalimantan, Maluku and Poso in Central Sulawesi, and
displaced more than a million people. The reform era also resulted in
the ending of a long-running separatist conflict in Aceh.

There is much to be learned from the methods used to manage these
conflicts. Although the case of Aceh is much trumpeted because
international mediation was employed, there were homegrown political
initiatives that ended the conflicts in Poso and Maluku, as well as
significant but largely unsung contributions made by civil society.

Countries plagued by violence stemming from communal or separatist
causes could learn from Indonesia's experience. Equally, it is
important that Indonesia reflects on its own experience in order to deal
with contemporary conflict situations, such as Papua, as well as
anticipating conflicts that may arise in the future.

One of the lessons is that ending the violence is only the start of a
process of resolving conflict. In the case of both Poso and Maluku,
successful mitigation of the conflict resulted in promises of
compensation and resettlement that were not properly implemented, which
has resulted in continued discontent. The proportionate and judicious
use of force is a key variable that Indonesia hasn't always managed well.

To this end, the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue teamed up with
Indonesian academic experts and civil society activists to examine three
different conflicts with a view to distilling lessons from the
approaches to their management and resolution.

One of the key lessons derived from this study is that Indonesia's
homegrown approach to conflict resolution has tended to be top down.
Both the Malino I and Malino II agreements that ended violence in Poso
and Maluku consecutively were not participatory processes in which local
communities were involved, either in the planning or the implementation
of the agreements.

Instead of identifying root causes and addressing the longer-term
drivers of conflict they focused on physical recovery, reconstruction
and the provision of emergency aid. This left them open to criticism as
top down and short-lived efforts that ended the violence but left the
legacy of violence --- issues of displacement, compensation and justice
--- largely unaddressed. The danger is that leaves seeds of future

Civil society, and women in particular played important roles in
informal reconciliation in Poso and Maluku, but these roles have been
either missed or misunderstood. As a result formal peace processes in
Indonesia have tended to marginalize civil society and the role of women
in particular. For example, in negotiations that led to the Helsinki
Agreement on Aceh, there was only one woman, and advisor to the Free
Aceh Movement, involved in the process.

The under-estimation of the role of women, and the capacity of informal
community organizations, means that preventing violent conflict at an
early stage is more challenging.

There's an irony here. Indonesia is proud of the resilience of its
community networks and structures, grounded in cultural traditions of
cooperation and tolerance, yet with something so critical to social
harmony as conflict management, there is a tendency to defer to
centralized imperatives and bureaucratic procedure --- and all too
easily resort to the use of force.

The conflict that poses the biggest threat to peace in Indonesia today
is in Papua, where the indigenous Papuan community doesn't just dream
unrealistically of independence from Jakarta, but sees its own existence
threatened by encroaching demographic and environmental pressures. One
of the opportunities that stems from the past decade of conflict
management in Indonesia is the chance to avoid repeating past mistakes.

Peace in Maluku and Poso is less secure than it could be because both
the Malino I and Malino II agreements were elite arrangements made
without public participation. In the case of Papua, the careful,
dedicated work of Papuan Pastor Neles Tebay and researcher Muridan
Widjoyo in Jakarta offer a corrective. Through intensive public
consultation on the ground in Papua, they have persuaded restive Papuans
to accept peaceful dialogue with Jakarta. In response, President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono has assented to a "constructive communication" to
discuss political issues that fuel discontent in Papua.

Building on valuable lessons from the management of past conflicts,
hopefully the conflict in Papua will be addressed through peaceful
dialogue leading to a political solution that doesn't need the glare of
international publicity. As a maturing democratic country, Indonesia
should be able to settle its own conflicts --- and help others to
resolve theirs.

/The writer is the Asia Regional Director of the Centre for Humanitarian
Dialogue. The report on the conflicts in Maluku, Poso and Papua can be
downloaded at /


Balancing sustainability with economic developmentifshitz, Jakarta | Fri,

Natural resources have historically been responsible for growing
economies. Much of the developed world has long ago been through the
cycle of utilizing natural resources to bring people out of poverty.

By contrast, developing countries are relatively new to this process.
Yet despite their newcomer status, some emerging economies have been
quick to learn from both the successes and failures of developed nations
in the quest to build their economies, while simultaneously conserving
their natural heritage. Indonesia is one of these countries.

Revered as the world's largest archipelago, Indonesia is spread over
thousands of islands spanning from Asia to Australia and contains some
of the most diverse flora and fauna populations on earth. Indonesia is
home to the world's third largest tropical forest, which is considered
not only a national asset and global public good, but also an important
contributor to the country's GDP.

World Bank figures show that forestry, agriculture, and mining together
contribute approximately 25 percent of Indonesia's GDP and nearly 30
percent to overall government budget revenue. Importantly, the forest
also remains central to the livelihoods of nearly 35 percent of
Indonesians who live in rural areas, below the poverty line, according
to the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS).

In recent years, Indonesia has suffered an unprecedented number of
setbacks that have impacted its economy, including the tsunami of
December 2004, earthquakes in 2005 and 2006, a global spike in rice and
other food and energy commodity prices, along with random terrorist
attacks. Against this backdrop, Indonesia has established priorities to
ensure sustainable development occurs.

These priorities are economic development to alleviate poverty, social
welfare and environmental protection, which includes protection of high
conservation value forests, biodiversity, endangered species and actions
to tackle climate change. As in the developed world, it requires the
government, NGOs, consumers and the private sector to work together to
take action on these priorities and ensure success.

Multinational corporations, NGOs and governments around the world each
play a critical role in helping solve the challenges of effecting
societal improvements with natural resource preservation. This begins of
course with job creation.

In Indonesia, we know that the income multiplier effect for non-food
agriculture, such as forestry is estimated at 2.30. For every US$1
increase in non-food agriculture production, Indonesian incomes are
estimated to rise by $2.30 (Bautista, R.M. Robinson, S. and El-Said,
1999). Indonesians employed by the forestry industry and those in
ancillary industries enjoy a better quality of life, often preventing a
slide into poverty when basic living costs outpace standard incomes.

Corporations can also provide direct private investment in country
programs that support education, skills-training, some provision of
medical care, entrepreneurial community enterprises and disaster relief,
which often make a dramatic and immediate impact in the lives of the
people who need it most.

Clearly, it's important that the corporation evaluates where these
investments are earmarked, but the fact remains that many organizations
in the developing world are the true drivers of change and positive
growth for populations who are otherwise underserved.

While corporations making these and other economic development
investments are critical drivers of growth in developing countries,
their focus must also be rooted in drivers that in turn enhance
sustainability. Irrespective of geography, the focus of a company's
sustainability program most readily ties to the company's core business.

Climate change is an increasingly pressing and critical global issue,
which can only be addressed through a strong commitment to
sustainability. Whether at the international, national or sub-national
level, sustainability is everybody's business. The global paper
industry, like others, is in the process of making significant changes,
which in turn opens the opportunity to reduce its environmental impact.

Some forest companies operating in the Asia-Pacific region are deploying
more efficient paper making technology, which allows them to produce on
average, lower carbon emissions than most Northern European or American
paper makers. What's more, regional pulpwood plantations sequester 30
times more carbon than those found in other major paper-making geographies.

Unlike other industries such as fossil fuel and mining, pulp and paper
making is a 100 percent renewable, recyclable resource. Taking
reforestation efforts one step further, in addition to supporting
government and NGO-backed conservation reserves, corporations can also
develop their own land conservation programs to protect and manage areas
of significant biodiversity and/or cultural significance.

Given the size of the challenge though, reforestation is a concern that
can only be properly addressed when governments, NGOs, indigenous people
and the private sector work together to ensure sustainable forest
management. In Indonesia, like many developing nations, poverty is the
root cause of illegal logging. Eliminate poverty and you eliminate the
root cause of unsanctioned forest management.

The twin needs of economic development and sustainability make effective
program development and implementation in developing countries a
particular challenge. In the end, the same drive, dedication and
collaboration evidenced in the private sector will also lead the effort
to innovate lasting improvements for developing countries. Together, we
have much to gain for the generations to come.

/The writer is the sustainability and public outreach manager for Asia
Pulp and Paper in North America. The opinions expressed are his.

'No vigilantism during Ramadhan'

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sun, 07/31/2011

Regional authorities have warned people against carrying out vigilante
street raids as the Islamic fasting month approaches.

The Yogyakarta administration has banned the sale of alcohol during the
period and encouraged the public to report any violations to the

"We will act [against the violators]. People do not need to take action
themselves, as this could possibly be a contravention of public order,"
Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto said Friday at an event to destroy
thousands of bottles of alcoholic beverages.

"The destruction of the alcoholic drinks sends a message that we will be
tough against those creating disorder, so that people can fast in
comfort and security," he said.

Authorities destroyed drinks seized from 31 unlicensed vendors.

"We have been conducted raids for the past three months," Yogyakarta
Police chief Sr. Comr. Mustaqim said.

Police also had the vendors sign a declaration vowing to no longer sell

"If they are found to be selling alcohol, they will go to jail,"
Mustaqim was quoted as saying by Antara news agency.

Red light districts are also being targeted by authorities.

Police in Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta and in Klaten, Central Java, also
warned mass organizations against carrying out vigilante acts.

"Raids by mass organizations could trigger potential conflict," Adj. Sr.
Comr. Asep Nalaludin said Saturday in Wonosari, Gunung Kidul.

Last year, 250 members of the hard-line Islam Defenders Front (FPI)
reportedly raided several hotels and entertainment centers in Medan,
North Sumatra.

Klaten Police chief Adj. Sr. Comr. Kalingga Rendra Raharja said police
were prepared for such illegal raids and the chaos they would create.

Ramadhan is likely to begin on Monday. Non-mainstream Muslims may
observe Ramadhan a few days earlier, although there have been no reports
of this so far.

The religious affairs agency in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, a
predominantly Catholic province, called on Muslims to wait for the
official announcement of the start of the holy month.

"All Muslims are advised to wait for the government announcement,"
agency official Muhammad Moa said.

Demand for basic goods usually increases during the fasting month, as is
occurring in Bengkulu.

"Most residents enough basic good for the following week. This has led
to a 20 percent increase in demand," Asril, a seller at Bengkulu's
Panorama Market, said.

--- /Slamet Susanto contributed to the report from Yogyakarta


Eradicating corruption? Forgive corrupters, House speaker says

Adianto P. Simamora, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Sat, 07/30/2011

As his party struggles to cope with a wave of graft allegations, House
speaker and Democratic Party politician Marzuki Alie suggested that the
country pardon corrupters as a means of eradicating corruption.

The ever-controversial politician said that it was one of the potential
solutions to ending corruption in Indonesia, besides enacting a law on a
reverse burden of proof mechanism.

"We forgive all [corruptors]. We ask them to bring their money from
abroad, but we tax it," he said, adding that he felt the country had
wasted too much time to settle past corruption cases. "We are tired of
dealing with the past [corruption cases]."

The other solution, according to Marzuki, is to require all transactions
valued over Rp 1 million (US$117) be done via banking rather than cash.
"There should be no more cash purchases of land, motorcycles or cars ---
all should be through banks," he said.

His call comes as criticism mounted against the Democratic Party for
failing to clear allegations on graft cases made by its former treasurer
and fugitive graft suspect Muhammad Nazaruddin.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democratic Party has been at the
center of debate over the previous two months after Nazaruddin accused a
number of politicians from the party of also being involved in cases
tainted by graft.

Nazaruddin accused Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum of
amassing illegal money from several projects funded by the state budget,
some of which reportedly may have contributed to his winning bid for the
party's chairmanship in 2010.

Nazaruddin continues to spread his allegations, saying he had colluded
with Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) deputy for enforcement
Insp. Gen Ade Rahardja to discuss the graft cases linked to Democratic
Party politicians Bandung Mayor Dada Rosada and Kutai Timur Regent Isran
Noor. During some of his meetings with the KPK, Nazaruddin admitted he
was accompanied by Democratic Party lawmakers, including Saan Mustopa
and Benny Kabur Harman.

Marzuki also suggested on Friday that the KPK be disbanded if there were
no credible candidates to lead the KPK as an hoc body to wipe out
corruption in the country.

"The KPK is an ad hoc body. If we no longer trust it, why do we have it?
It has yet to bring change. It tends to carry out political maneuvering
rather than eradicate corruption," he said as quoted by

Cikeusik verdict 'chilling' message to minorities

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Fri, 07/29/2011

In a verdict that was blasted by human rights advocates and the global
community as a blow to religious freedom, a Banten court gave a slap on
the wrist to 12 people involved in killing three Ahmadis in Cikeusik the
Feb. 6.

The Serang District Court sentenced the 12 defendants on Thursday to
between three and six months in jail for "inciting hatred" against the
minority Ahmadis.

The 10 defendants, including cleric Ujang Muhammad Arif, who allegedly
incited the attack on the Ahmadis, were sentenced to six months in jail.
One defendant, Idis bin Mahdani, was sentenced to five months and 15
days in prison, while juvenile defendant Dani bin Misra was sentenced to
three months in prison.

They were cleared of all other charges, which included illegal
possession of sharp weapons, destruction of property, mistreatment of
others, participating in an assault, involvement in an attack and
attacking others and causing serious injury or death.

Presiding judge Cipta Sinuraya was quoted by as saying
that the deadly attack was actually provoked by the Ahmadis. He said
that the 12 defendants deserved light sentences because they showed deep
regret for their actions.

The controversial verdict, which is slightly lighter than the
prosecutors' demands, has triggered a storm of criticism from human
rights defenders and the international community including the United
States and the European Union.

Human Rights Watch says the light sentences "reflect the authorities'
weak efforts to prosecute the case".

Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, says the
trial sends "the chilling message that attacks on minorities like the
Ahmadiyah will be treated lightly by the legal system".

The US said in a statement that it was disappointed by "the
disproportionately light sentences" and called on Indonesia to "defend
its tradition of tolerance for all religions".

The EU also joined the criticism, saying that it shared the concerns
"voiced by many Indonesians that sentences imposed for violent crimes
against religious or other minorities should always be commensurate with
the gravity of the crimes committed".

The Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (Elsam) focused its
criticism on the weak charges brought against the defendants. Elsam
director Indriaswati Dyah Saptaningrum said the killing was no ordinary
crime. "Three people were killed during the riot. We should not charge
the defendants only with public incitement."

This is not the first time that radicals committing religious violence
were found guilty of only public incitement.

In June, Syihabuddin was sentenced to one year in prison for inciting a
riot in Temanggung that led to the burning of three churches. In 2008,
Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab was sentenced to 18
months in prison by the Central Jakarta District Court for inciting
hatred and instigating violence against participants of a peace rally at
the National Monument (Monas).

Unlike the Cikeusik riot, there were no fatalities in the Temanggung and
Monas incidents.

Dyah said the Ciekusik trial should be seen as a warning to minorities
that the judiciary might not save them from persecution. "The judiciary
is powerless to punish radical groups that assault minorities."

The defendants' lawyer from the Muslim Defense Team (TPM),
Mahendradatta, said his clients cannot be blamed for the attack on the
Ahmadis. "The Ahmadis started the riot. That's clear," he said.

"So many people get [the defendants] wrong. I think this is another form
of human rights violation against my clients," he added.

He said his team agreed that the investigation should find the people
behind the riot, but he refused to say his clients were responsible for
killing the three Ahmadis. "I agree that we should find the masterminds,
but who are they?"

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