
Friday 29 July 2011

Re: [wanita-muslimah] RAWA : menentang pemerintahan komunis, taliban, karzai


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ari" <>
To: "Milis wm" <>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 8:19 AM
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] RAWA : menentang pemerintahan komunis, taliban, karzai

awal mengurangi dari aktivitas bermilis di wm, memberikan saya kesempatan
untuk menelaah buku karangan agustinus wibowo berjudul Selimut Debu,
terbitan Gramedia. buku ini berangkat dari petualangannya selama beberapa
tahun terakhir di afghanistan. bagi yang tidak tahu siapa agustinus wibowo,
bisa dolan untuk membaca beberapa tulisan perjalanannya di

ada beberapa hal yang menarik meskipun bacaan belum selesai, misalnya saja :

- Organisasi RAWA yang sering disebut sebut oleh abah HMNA sebagai


Another story about RAWA
New Trend Magazine


What about the "horrible" condition of Afghan women?
By Nadrat N. Siddique(*)

Doesn't that in itself warrant the forced removal of the Afghan government, and the assassination of its leaders? The U.S. government and its media mouthpieces feign concern for Afghanistan's women. Like the Russians, who were also very concerned about the backward condition of Afghan women, the U.S. exhibits this concern by bombing the hell out of the Afghans. Whatever the shortcomings of the Taliban with regards to women's rights, the Afghan women's condition will not be ameliorated by foreign pressure, from the Americans, the Russians, or from RAWA.

What is RAWA? The Revolutionary Afghan Women's Association. If it is an Afghan women's association, why do I include it among the foreign pressure groups trying to variously exploit and interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan? If one has even an inkling about Afghan lexicon, it takes but a glance at the name of the organization: REVOLUTIONARY Afghan Women's Association. In Afghanistan, as in most Eastern Block countries prior to perestroika, "Revolutionary," as in Lenin's Revolutionary Youth Leagues or Revolutionary Workers League, is a term invoked almost exclusively by communists and their sympathizers (remember this is not post-Pahlavi Iran, with all its "Revolutionary" guards and such, who were in many cases, truly Islamic). RAWA are former members of the Khalq and Parcham Parties, who formed the proxy government for the Soviets, whose popularity can be determined only by examining the base of opposition to their rule--upwards of 90% of Afghan society either became refugees to escape their rule, or engaged in various levels of support for the mujahideen movements to rid the country of Khalq, Parcham, and their Russian masters.

RAWA has persistently and effectively used the internet and World Wide Web to hammer in their central point: that the rights of all Afghan women are under attack by the Taliban monsters. And for a long time, the Taliban, which committed all its resources to efforts to undo a decade of war, and trying to ensure the basic survival of its people, did little to counter the propaganda. The most outlandish myth told repeatedly, especially in the absence of a countering idea, eventually seems plausible.

Do RAWA members have an axe to grind against the Taliban and other Islamic currents in Afghanistan? Well they were ousted from power, and lost their positions of wealth and privilege (e.g., the right to live in the once exclusive microrayon housing complex in Kabul, and throw vast sums of money in bars and nightclubs, while the vast majority of the Afghan population survived at subsistence level), and well, you answer that one. RAWA, for its part is as representative of Afghan women as Azam Talegani is of American women.
Nadrat Siddique is a long-time human rights activist and started a chapter of the Leonard Peltier support group at the age of 14.

ternyata justru menentang pemerintahan komunis, organisasi ini juga
menentang pemerintahan taliban, dan juga pemerintahan karzai, karena semua
pemerintahan ini justru bersikap fundamentalis terhadap kaum wanita, tidak
memmberikan kesempatan dan kebebasan yang cukup bagi kaum wanita afghan
untuk mendapat pendidikan
- pendiri organisasi RAWA, meena justru jadi korban pembunuhan oleh
organisasi Khad. KGB nya afghanistan tahun 87, menunjukkan bahwa kounis
pun nggak suka dengan RAWA.
- justru komunismelah yang membuat afghan menjadi fundamentalis. karena
penyebaran budaya ala rusia membuat orang orang afghan menarik diri,
masyarakat melakukan perlawanan dengan simbol budaya berupa identitas budaya
islam vs kafir yang dihadapkan satu sama lain. faksi afghan yang terpecah
pecah menjadi satu dalam simbol budaya islam. ujungnya adalah lelaki
berangkat berperang, dan wanita tinggal di rumah, memelihara anak anak.
ujungnya sampai di jaman taliban dan masih tersisa sampai sekarang,
masyarakat memandang pendidikan bukan untuk wanita, bahkan menjadi hal yang
terlarang. kekerasan psikis, maupun fisik terhadap kaum wanita menjadi hal
yang umum di afghanistan.

- ladang ganja ada dimana mana. bahkan di samping masjid juga banyak
ladang ganja. ini berlawanan dengan pendapat hmna, bahwa taliban sukses
mengurangi opium dimana mana.

pada tahun ini 2001, ketua Program Pengawasan Opium PBB di bawah naungan UNDCP, Mr. Barnard F. mengatakankan Afghanistan bebas sepenuhnya dari tanaman opium -- 0% of opium cultivation. Zero, zilch, kosong -- langsung tak ada lagi. (According to, by February 2001, production had been reduced from 12,600 acres (51 km²) to only 17 acres).(*) Sayangnya sebanyak 700 pakar UNDCP yang memantau tanaman opium telah kehilangan pekerjaan. Pakar-pakar PBB itu tidak menyukai bila Thaliban mengeluarkan perintah mengharamkan tanaman opium tsb.
When the Taliban entered north Waziristan in 2003 they immediately banned poppy cultivation and punished those who sold it. However, when US/Northern Alliance expulsion of the Taliban, opium cultivation has increased in the southern provinces liberated from the Taliban control, and by 2005 production was 87% of the world's opium supply, rising to 90% in 2006.

Bahkan berhasilnya Thaliban memusnahkan tanaman opium, masuk pula dalam anekdot. Anekdot yang istimewa sebab memasukkan substansi yang benar secara faktual.
Ini bukan dari kantong Dora Emon, melainkan dari kantong WM:
----- Original Message -----
From: tiagoeshome
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 14:43
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Aseli Amrik euy,(Re: Kebiadaban Bush dan)

Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla

Buat Mbak Mia ato Mbak Dwitra yang udah ngerasain pengalaman tinggal di Amrik, konfirmasi aja nih, istilah "hear voices in his head" (kalimat terakhir, posting ini) kan istilah untuk menggambarkan orang gak waras yah?

Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla

Q: So how did Afghanistan figure into all that?
A: Afghanistan was where those bad men trained, under the oppressive rule of the Taliban.

Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla

Q: Didn't the Bush administration give the Taliban 43 million dollars back in May of 2001?
A: Yes, but that money was a reward because they did such a good job fighting drugs.

Q: Fighting drugs?
A: Yes, the Taliban were very helpful in stopping people from growing opium poppies.

Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla
Bla, bla, bla

Q: So basically, what you're saying is that we attacked Iraq because George W. Bush hears voices in his head?
A: Yes! You finally understand how the world works. Now close your eyes, make yourself comfortable, and go to sleep. Good night.

Q: Good night, Daddy

padahal waktu seminar HT saja, urusan opium
ini sudah diangkat sebagai potensi kekhalifahan karena dunia islam adalah
produsen opium terbesar. aigo.

demikian, siap bertapa lagi. sampai nanti membuka diri untuk menyampaikan
hasil telaah lainnya.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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