
Monday 1 November 2010

[wanita-muslimah] Ada awan panas berbau belerang menyapu lereng Merapi,


Ada awan panas berbau belerang menyapu lereng Merapi,
On Monday, November 01, 2010 00:06 misionaris qadiyanisme wrote:
Subject: Tambahan <= Kuburan Yous Asaf

Silakan simak perlahan, bagaimana "pandainya" HMNA memanipulasi teks tafsir milik Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (saya tidak percaya HMNA punya kitab tafsirnya di perpustakaannya, cuma lagaknya saja seolah-olah ia punya) dan pembahasan lainnya yang tidak pernah ia sentuh alias ngabur, ngumpet di balik sarungnya.

Sebelumnya, Merapi masih cerah,
On Sunday, October 31, 2010 06:14
HMNA wrote:
Subject: Tambahan<= Kuburan Yous Asaf

Menurut "Tafsir" Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad (BMA), Commentary 4227, pg 2622, Ismuhu Ahmad (namanya Ahmad) dikenakan kepada orang yang datang sesudah Nabi Muhammad SAW yaitu Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (MGA). The prophecy mentioned in the verse aply to the Promised Messiah, founder of Ahmadiyya Movement.
Ini lengkapnya Commentary 4227, pg 2622 dari "Tafsir" Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad, S. Al-Shaff, 61:6:
The prophecy mentioned in the verse apply to the Promised Messiah, founder of Ahmadiyya Movement. The expression who can be more unjust than one who forges a lie against Allah while he is called to Islam. The prophesy be taken to apply to the Promised Messiah the expression "he is called to Islam" would signify that the Promised Messiah would be invited by the so-called defenders to recant, repent and be a Moslem like them, for, according to them by his claim to the Promised Messiah be would cease to be one.

Lalu mulai awan panas dari Merapi.
misionaris qadiyanisme wrote:
Terbukti HMNA salah mengutip entah darimana sumbernya, mungkin bersumber dari imajinasi dan khayalannya sendiri saja.
Lihat di tertulis di halaman 2622:

4227. Commentary:

The preceding verse having been applied to the Holy Prophet, the expression "who can be more unjust than one who forges a lie against Allah while he is called to Islam" would refer to those rejectors of truth to whom he addressed his Message, since he was the Inviter () and they the invitees (20:109 & 33:47) ... But if the prophecy be taken to apply to the Promised Messiah the expression, "he is called to Islam," would signify that the Promised Messiah would be invited by the so-called defenders of Islam to recant, repent and be a Muslim like them, for, according to them, by his claim to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi he would cease to be one.



Commentary 4227, pg 2622 dari "Tafsir" Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad, S. Al-Shaff, 61:6:
The prophecy mentioned in the verse apply to the Promised Messiah, founder of Ahmadiyya Movement. The expression who can be more unjust than one who forges a lie against Allah while he is called to Islam. The prophesy can be taken to apply to the Promised Messiah the expression "he is called to Islam" would signify that the Promised Messiah would be invited by the so-called defenders to recant, repent and be a Moslem like them, for, according to them by his claim to the Promised Messiah be would cease to be one.

misionaris qadiyanisme:
menunjuk tertulis di halaman 2622:
The preceding verse having been applied to the Holy Prophet, the expression "who can be more unjust than one who forges a lie against Allah while he is called to Islam" would refer to those rejectors of truth to whom he addressed his Message, since he was the Inviter () and they the invitees (20:109 & 33:47) ... But if the prophecy be taken to apply to the Promised Messiah the expression, "he is called to Islam," would signify that the Promised Messiah would be invited by the so-called defenders of Islam to recant, repent and be a Muslim like them, for, according to them, by his claim to be the Promised Messiah and Mahdi he would cease to be one.

Tafsir Quran Qadiani
The Holy Qur'an
English Translation

Publish under auspices of Hadrat Mirza Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad,
Second Successor of the Promised Messiah,
By the Oriental and Religious Publishing Corporation Ltd.,
Rabwah, West Pakistan
Second Edition

Rs 20/-

Printed by Sh. Niaz Ahmad, at the 'Ilmi Printing Press, Hospital Road , Lahore
And Published by Ch. Ghulam Murtada, for the Oriental and Religious Publishing
Corporation Ltd,
Rabwah West Pakistan

Pada pg 2622 ada tertulis
The prophecy mentioned in the verse apply to the Promised Messiah, founder of Ahmadiyya Movement.

Juga pada
ada juga tertulis di halaman 2622 (ini bisa diklik oleh siapa saja):
The prophecy mentioned in the verse apply to the Promised Messiah, founder of Ahmadiyya Movement.
Ini "disembunyikan" oleh misionaris qadiyanisme.

Kalimat-kalimat di bawah terdapat baik pada yang saya petik dari Kitab "Tafsir" Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad Commentary 4227, maupun pada link di halaman 2622.
The expression who can be more unjust than one who forges a lie against Allah while he is called to Islam. The prophesy can be taken to apply to the Promised Messiah the expression "he is called to Islam" would signify that the Promised Messiah would be invited by the so-called defenders to recant, repent and be a Moslem like them, for, according to them by his claim to the Promised Messiah be would cease to be one..

Pernyataan / tuduhan misionaris qadianisme, bahwa:
'bagaimana "pandainya" HMNA memanipulasi teks tafsir milik Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (saya tidak percaya HMNA punya kitab tafsirnya di perpustakaannya, cuma lagaknya saja seolah-olah ia punya) dan pembahasan lainnya yang tidak pernah ia sentuh alias ngabur, ngumpet di balik sarungnya dan terbukti HMNA salah mengutip entah darimana sumbernya, mungkin bersumber dari imajinasi dan khayalannya sendiri saja', ITU SAMA SEKALI TIDAK BENAR.
Saya punya bukunya Bashir al-Din Mahmud Ahmad dalam Perpustakaan Pribadi saya, saya tidak memanipulasi, sumber petikan saya jelas, dan bukan imajinasi / khayalan, He, He, He.

Dan untung sekali karrena saya lebih dahulu menulis (on Sunday, October 31, 2010 06:14) dan saya sebutkan sumbernya, sedangkan misionaris qadianisme menulis belakangan (on Monday, November 01, 2010 00:06) . Sebab kalau saya tidak sebut sumber reference dari mana saya petik, saya bisa dituduh plagiator lagi. Huuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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