Wah keren banget artikelnya, mungkin bisa diterjemahin kirim ke foke hahaha..
Istilahnya tips kayak tip masak hihihi..
Konteks di Indonesia lebih berat karena patriarki Islam, misoginis dan konservatif- fundamentalis. Tapi mungkin kalo pake bahasa ringan jadi lebih ringan ya...
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dwi Soegardi <soegardi@gmail.com>
Sender: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 03:10:34
To: <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Fifteen Tips for Muslim Men talking about "Women in Islam"
Guidance for Muslim men on how to deal effectively with the
stereotypes and misperceptions about women in Islam.
Sadly, some Muslim men make the problem of outsiders' perception of
women in Islam worse without realizing it, instead of clarifying the
issue. This is rarely, if ever, done intentionally. However, what's
clear is that some guidelines are necessary for brothers when talking
about the issue of women in Islam. Here are some suggested tips:
1. Let the sisters speak
No matter how well-spoken, eloquent or intelligent a brother is, the
bottom line is this: he is not a Muslim woman.
That means no matter how much you, as a Muslim man tell a non-Muslim
woman how wonderful hijab is, it will be harder for her to accept this
because you have never worn Hijab and you are not a woman.
Whenever possible, have sisters answer questions pertaining to Islam and women.
2. Be careful of mixing up the ideal with the reality
One non-Muslim writer once remarked how when talking to Muslims about
Islam compared to the West, Muslims take the ideal of Islam and
compare it to the reality of the West.
The fact of the matter is there are very ugly realities when it comes
to the treatment of women in many parts of the world, including the
Muslim world. Muslims must recognize the reality of domestic violence
in the community, even though Islamic ideals would never condone such
ugly behavior.
3. Don't sacrifice speaking out against injustice in the name of
protecting Islam's "image"
"Tackle the issue and the image will take care of itself," advises Sr.
Kathy Bullock, a convert to Islam based in California. Don't fall into
the tendency to ignore pressing issues for the sake of protecting
Islam's reputation.
In other words, if someone brings up the issue of honor killing in
Jordan, acknowledge the reality but make it clear that this is a sin
and a crime in Islam and as a Muslim you condemn it. This in itself is
enough. Trying to justify or make excuses for it or covering it up is
not going to score image points for Islam.
4. Don't respond to unspoken accusations
A number of times, Muslims automatically start an apologetic tirade
defending the status of women in Islam before a person has even said a
word. Let the other person initiate questions, and answer calmly and
confidently. You may be responding to an accusation that was never
even in the person's mind in the first place.
5. Ask WHY
Do this before launching an apologetic tirade against any accusation.
For instance, a man in Spain once approached a scholar, saying he felt
Islam was a man's religion. Before rebutting him, the scholar asked
him why he thought this way. The man replied that whenever he looked
at mosques, he saw only men.
By knowing why, you can develop your answer accordingly, and tackle
the issue head-on in an honest and direct way.
6. Agree with people as much as possible
Start off agreeing with a person. It will completely turn the tables
on the discussion, as many people begin discussions on women in Islam
assuming Muslims are completely against the notion of women's rights.
7. If you don't know something SAY SO
If a person tells you they're from X country you've never heard of and
Muslim women are treated in a horrible fashion what can you say about
I have never heard of that, and I don't know are simple enough. Don't
start apologizing, or denying that it happens. Tell the truth.
8. Don't be condescending
In Islam, looking down on a fellow human being is a sin, whether the
person is a male or a female. Don't think you know all there is to
know about women in Islam, and don't speak in this manner either.
Allah does not love arrogance, and only Allah has full knowledge of
all things.
9. Don't interrupt
This is a problem in a number of cultures, men interrupting women and
other men when they speak. Not only is this rude behavior, it takes
away from your message. People are less likely to listen to you if you
come across as a rude boorish individual. Don't do this to others,
especially sisters.
10. Don't assume all Muslim sisters are the same
Just because your mom, who was born and brought up in a Muslim
country, and has never had a problem with hijab does not mean that
other Muslim sisters have the same experience.
Muslim sisters are as different as brothers, as are their experiences
with issues like hijab.
11. Become more attuned to the "new Muslim woman"
Muslim sisters today are not the same as those of yesterday. Many
Muslims sisters know more, and they prefer more interactive lectures
as opposed to the passive style normally used. If you're giving a
talk, be ready to have interjections from Muslim sisters. Welcome
these, don't shun them.
12. Choose your words very carefully
If you're doing a presentation on women's issues in Islam or
responding to a basic question, make sure to choose your words
extremely carefully. Know the exact dictionary meaning, as well as the
meaning in everyday usage. Words are extremely powerful, and they
leave an imprint on the hearts and minds of people. You want that
imprint to be positive, so be careful.
13. Actions speak louder than words
You can speak beautifully about women in Islam on behalf of the Muslim
Students' Association (MSA), but if throughout the year, sisters have
been denied access to the prayer room, or the right to participate in
decision-making in the MSA, then think of how silly your talk is.Make
sure your personal and organizational behavior falls in line with your
14. Don't stereotype all Western women
"Table dancers" or "cheerleaders" is how one Muslim sister described
the way Muslims tend to stereotype all Western women. Let's not
forget: we hate it when Muslim women are stereotyped as oppressed, so
we should not be doing the same to others.
And lest we forget, a growing number of Western women are becoming our
Muslim sisters, and very practicing ones at that.
15. Seek women's perspective on issues
You know mom, who loves you so much and makes your dinner? She's a
woman. Your sister in school? She's a woman. If you're blessed to be
surrounded by practicing Muslim sisters in your home, take advantage
of this by seeking their views on issues like hijab, domestic
violence, community participation, and media stereotypes. There's
nothing like hearing the truth presented from those who truly live it.
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