
Saturday, 2 October 2010

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Di mana muslimah Spanyol?


Ini cuma sebuah kisah nggak tau ada hubungannya atau enggak.

Flora berjilbab tinggal di Madrid. Suatu hari Flora dan suaminya, Wahyu
pergi ke taman kota. Wahyu kan sangat hobi bikin fotografi; Flora ikuti
suaminya takut terpisah di tempat yg ramai. Kemudian ada pria yg
memperingatkan Wahyu; "Mister hati2 ada copet!" Rupanya pria itu dan
mungkin banyak orang Spanyol beranggapan bahwa semua perempuan yg
bertudung, berjilbab di Spanyol adalah copet. Seperti pada umumnya
perempuan2 gipsi Spanyol yg bertudung profesinya kebanyakan adalah copet.

Jadi, mungkin organisasi itu dilain pihak kalo angkat perempuan islam jadi
anggota dengan jilbabnya, gimana nanti kata dunia? Tukang copet gitu loh.
Kalo angkat perempuan islam yg gak pakai tudung, wah gak islami dong.
Namanya organisasi islam, setidaknya pengurus perempuan harus pakai
identitas yg islami, betul nggak?


Artikel ini tentang wacana organisasi muslim di Spanyol yang baru-baru
ini terbentuk.
Organisasi ini mempunyai peran penting menjembatani muslim Spanyol
dengan Pemerintah.
Masalahnya, dalam kepengurusan tidak satupun duduk perempuan.

"Once again, everybody is entitled to speak on behalf of Muslim women
except themselves."

Pembuka artikel ini benar-benar mewakili hendak ke mana sebenarnya
milis wanita-muslimah@ ini.
Ketika mulai berlangganan milis ini, saya juga mempunyai keingintahuan
bagaimana seharusnya wanita muslimah itu,
mendapatkan informasi dan mendiskusikannya.
Tetapi sejalan dengan waktu,
saya menemukan sesuatu yang lebih menarik dari itu:
"milis ini bukan sekedar tempatnya membicarakan perempuan,
tetapi di sinilah tempat perempuan bicara!"

The Islamic Commission of Spain's Sausage-fest Situation

September 29th, 2010

Once again, everybody is entitled to speak on behalf of Muslim women
except themselves. A few days ago, El Mundo reported that this year's
Comisión Islámica de España (Islamic Commission of Spain) did not
include any women in their board.

The Commission plays an important role in lobbying with the Spanish
government in anything regarding the country's Muslim population.
Therefore, they are a unique organization that has access to the
sphere of power and is in charge of negotiating with it. Nonetheless,
this year no women will be there to take part on some of the current
discussions in Spain, such as the banning of the veil.

Marie Laurie Rodríguez, president of Mujeres Musulmanas de España
(Muslim Women of Spain), expressed her disappointment to the media.
Rodríguez not only explained the importance of having women in this
organization, but she also requested equal representation. As
Rodríguez points out, Islamic organizations should promote women's
participation in order for them to say what they really think on
issues that concern them and the community as a whole.

Rodríguez, who identifies herself as an Islamic Feminist, asserts that
women should express themselves instead of becoming someone else's
topic of study. In her opinion, anyone who believes in the Qur'an must
be a feminist because the revelation grants status and rights to
women. Thus, women should have equal access to organizations and must
have the right to respond and contribute to issues that affect not
only women, but also Muslim communities.

However, trends are different these days. With the commission being
represented only by males, the female Muslim experience is dismissed.
This will provide further excuses for the Western media to claim that
Muslim women are oppressed, evidenced by the fact that men that
represent them. Although men can be well intentioned when lobbying for
women's rights and participation in Spanish society, women's presence
is vital. Muslim women should have the option to represent themselves,
give their opinions, and lobby for their particular interests without

In the Spanish case, despite the fact that an Equality Law has been in
place for years, female participation in the main Islamic lobbying
group in the country has not been encouraged. This is problematic in
many aspects.

First, discussions on the banning of the veil affect Muslim women (and
arguably only them), who could be prohibited to wear it on the grounds
that wearing it is an act of oppression or a "portable jail."

Next, most discussions on Islam endorsed by everyone from the media to
politicians have to do with the status of women. As Rodríguez
explains, the main examples that the media provides to justify their
arguments on the oppression and mistreatment of Muslim women are
countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan, which are well
known for their lack of women-friendly policies. However, many Muslim
women are professionals, activists (even in predominately Muslim
countries) and are very engaged in society and politics around the

Finally, the Comisión Islámica de España recently mentioned the
importance of Muslim women's roles in the organization. So, if women
are so important, why not give them a place right in the center of

Some people would argue that men in this organization can lobby and
negotiate for women in matters that concern them because Muslims are a
community and must look after everybody's interests. Nonetheless, we
see many examples where men speak "on behalf" of women without serving
the best interests of the latter.

In the West, especially in countries like Spain, there are few things
more important than empowering Muslim women to talk for themselves and
actively participate in the community. Women must have an equal part
in the Comisión Islámica de España!


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