
Monday 11 October 2010

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: [dpr-indonesia] Killing of Doctor Part of Taliban War on Educated


Taliban Pakistan atau Afghanistan itu sulit dibedakan karena kebanyakan dari suku atau bangsa Pastun, mereka suka yang disebut border crossing paklistan dan afghansitan, karena di kedua negeri terdapat suku tsb.. Selain pastun ada juga Baluci di Selatan, dan juga ada dari berbagai negeri Arab dan Tajikistan, uzbekistan, Pakistan etci, mungkin juga ada dari Indonesia. Mereka perang di Afghanistan istirahat di Pakistan atau sebaliknya. Taliban itu dulu diasuh oleh dinas rahasia Pakistan (ISI) dan oleh karena itu juga di Pakistan mereka mempunyai kedutaan yang menjadi corong informasi ke luar negeri.

----- Original Message -----
From: H. M. Nur Abdurahman
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:28 AM
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Re: [dpr-indonesia] Killing of Doctor Part of Taliban War on Educated

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>;
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 06:15
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: [dpr-indonesia] Killing of Doctor Part of
Taliban War on Educated

Menurut Pak HMNA ini fitnah Zionis Amerika atau bukan?
Soalnya Taliban kan orangnya baik-baik. Gak pernah membunuh
orang Muslim apalagi kaum perempuan. Ataukah dokter dan
inetelektual yang dibunuh itu semua adalah agen zionis
amerika? Bagaimana info yang didengar pak HMNA?
Itukan pemerintah Pakistan yang mencap yang beroposisi dgn kekerasa senjata
sebagai Thaliban. Sedangkan yang saya posting adalah Thaliban di Afghanistan
yang menyebut diri mereka Thaliban. Jadi harus dibedakan antara CAP THALIBAN
oleh pemerintah Pakistn dengan Thaliban yang menyebut diri mereka Thaliban
di Afghanistan.. .

----Original Message----
Date: 10/10/2010 1:00
To: <<Undisclosed-Recipient:>, <>>
Subj: [dpr-indonesia] Killing of Doctor Part of Taliban
War on Educated

Killing of Doctor Part of Taliban War on Educated
Published: October 8, 2010

MARDAN, Pakistan - Farooq Khan, doctor to the poor,
scholar of Islam and friend of America, represented
everything the Islamist extremists hated.

Enlarge This Image

Farook Khan shot and killed by Taliban in Mardan, Pakistan
last Saturday in his medical office.

a.. The Lede Blog: A Moderate Voice Is Silenced in
Pakistan (October 7, 2010)
b.. Afghan Governor Is Killed in Blast at Mosque
(October 9, 2010)
A week ago, two Taliban hit men, disguised in casual
clothes and with stubble on their chins instead of beards,
climbed the stairs to Dr. Khan's second-floor office and,
as he had lunch between streams of patients, shot him at
close range.

The assassination of Dr. Khan, cool and quick, was the
latest in what appears to be a sustained campaign by the
Taliban to wipe out, or at least silence, educated Muslims
in Pakistan who speak out against the militants, their use
of suicide bombings and their cry of worldwide jihad.

At least six Muslim intellectuals and university
professors have been killed or kidnapped in the past year
in Pakistan, each death met with momentary notice in the
media, promises of inquiries by the government and then a
frightened quiet.

The pattern has become almost familiar, so much so that
Dr. Khan's death was called unsurprising by many moderate
Muslims, who complain that the government has become
powerless in the face of the extremists.

Last year, Maulana Sarfaraz Naeemi, a moderate preacher,
was killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up at the
school where Mr. Naeemi had spoken out against jihadist
ideology. Another popular moderate preacher, Maulana Hassan
Jan, was killed in Peshawar in 2007 after he denounced
suicide bombings.

Public figures associated with the secular Awami National
Party, the main political group in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
Province, have been kidnapped and killed. Ajmal Khan, a
university official and a prominent personality in
Peshawar, was kidnapped last month, most likely by the
Taliban, and has not been heard from since, the police

The extinction of enlightened religious thought is one
more element, the moderates say, in a long-term campaign by
the Taliban - aided by Al Qaeda - to undermine the state.

"The government doesn't have the will or capacity to do
much. It's unrealistic to expect them to do anything," said
Rahimullah Yusufzai, a journalist and longtime friend of
Dr. Khan. The doctor, like others who have been
assassinated by extremists, had received threats, he said.
"This is not the first and the last of these kinds of
killings," Mr. Yusufzai said. "People are already scared of
discussing the issues. Now they will be more scared."

There were many strands to Dr. Khan's energetic life that
the Taliban would have found objectionable. In the past
year, Dr. Khan, 56, who was trained as a psychiatrist in
Vienna, taught what he called a "worldly" Islam to 150
young boys who had been corralled by the Taliban and then
freed by the Pakistani Army in the Swat Valley. "He said:
'This is my passion,' " his wife, Dr. Rizwana Farooq, a
gynecologist, recalled of her husband's weekly sessions at
a vocational school, called New Dawn. The school was
established by the Pakistani military with financing from
international aid organizations.

In recent years, Dr. Khan grew intrigued by American
democracy. He visited the United States as a guest of the
government in 2002, he met Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton on her first visit to Pakistan last year,
and he was among those chosen to attend a farewell lunch
for the departing United States ambassador, Anne W.
Patterson, last month. "Dr. Khan has been a longstanding
and valuable contact, a strong and central voice in
denouncing extremism," said Elizabeth Rood, the consul
general in Peshawar.

But perhaps most challenging to the Taliban was his
position as the vice chancellor of a new, liberal
university in Swat, whose inauguration was scheduled a few
days after Dr. Khan was killed. The Taliban effectively
governed Swat, an area of scenic beauty within easy drive
of the nation's capital, for several months in 2009 before
being driven out in a major military offensive.

The university had been a sore point with the Taliban for
some time, partly because the government originally decided
the campus would be built on land where the Taliban ran
their biggest mosque and school. That site was later
abandoned for a more neutral location on the edge of
Mingora, the capital of Swat, and over the last year Dr.
Khan had taken charge of hiring the faculty, shaping a
curriculum devoted to the social sciences and recruiting a
student body, said the rector of the university, Sher Alam

Of 280 students selected on merit, 50 were women, Mr. Khan
said. Three of the 20 faculty members were women, he

The father of four children ages 22 to 27, all of whom are
professionals, Dr. Khan may have been particularly
irritating to the Taliban because his roots were in the
rough and tumble of the nation's right-wing religious
parties, not the elite academies and mainstream parties.

He had been a member of Jamaat-e-Islami, the anti-American
religious party devoted to turning Pakistan into an Islamic
state. Dr. Khan broke with that group and joined another
anti-American party, Tehrik-e-Insafi, led by the former
cricketer, Imran Khan. From there he staked out more
independent positions, and in the last few years
participated in international conferences on women,
democracy, and improving relations between Muslims and non-
Muslims. Soon after his death last Saturday, a faction of
the Pakistani Taliban, the Abdullah Azzam Brigade, claimed
responsibility for his killing, saying he had
misinterpreted jihad and Islam.

While numerous Muslim scholars and professionals have been
killed in recent years by the Taliban, the death of Dr.
Khan seemed to cut deeper than the others. The News, a
daily English-language newspaper that is critical of the
government, denounced in an editorial the "dismal record"
of the authorities in capturing suspects in such killings.
"But merely because the murderers roam free, should they
also be allowed to win?" the paper asked.

In the soft fall air in Swat on Thursday, a memorial
service was held for Dr. Khan at the campus of the new
university. Government officials were not invited, because
of security concerns and emotions, said Mr. Khan, the
university's rector. "We are all his imams, we will stand
silent in his memory," he said. "That is a true form of

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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