
Saturday 2 June 2012

[wanita-muslimah] Dream interpretation – Kuwaiti style



Dream interpretation – Kuwaiti style

SAWSAN 211x300 Dream interpretation   Kuwaiti style

Sawsan Kazak

Some say that dreams represent your innermost feelings and thoughts, your fears and aspirations and your predictions for the future. A dream is your brain's way of making sense of the world. But dreams are not always clear and what you dream is not necessarily meant to be taken literally; especially in Kuwait. The following are dreams you may have and I have taken the liberty to interpret what they actually mean. (The following interpretations were neither based on any scientific research, nor were they provided by a professional.)

Cooked through
You open your eyes, look around and all you see is orange neon lights all around you. At a distance you see a big brown window; you walk over to it and look out to ask for help. But instead of seeing a landscape, you see kitchen appliances. You quickly realize that you are inside an oven. You kick, scream and push, but there is no escaping the intense cooking heat.

Interpretation: Not to worry, this dream only signifies the beginning of a Kuwaiti summer. The orange neon lights represent heat and ever-present sun. The fact that you are in an oven represents the feeling of being cooked every time you step out into daylight and the fact that you can't escape represents the fact that there is no escaping the summer heat.

BBQ monster
You walk into a mall to do some good-old-fashioned shopping but in every store you walk into, the only item on sale is barbeques. There are big ones, small ones, red ones and silver ones. When you look around to ask for assistance, you notice that the 'sales people' are all walking barbeques. They walk ever so slowly towards you, open their 'mouths' and try to eat you. You run, but everywhere you look, there is a different barbeque trying to eat you.

Interpretation: This dream represents the deep, subconscious fear every person living in Kuwait has and that is the fear that Parliament will begin their never ending grilling season. The barbeques represent Parliament members. The fact that they are trying to eat you, well that's just weird.

Ring rage
You are sitting in the audience at a sporting event enthusiastically cheering with the crowd. In the middle of the room is an abnormally big boxing ring. The presenter comes on and announces the beginning of the match, two cars drive into the ring and balance on their back wheels and start fighting with each other. The cars go at it until one car loses its bumper.

Interpretation: This dream is your brain's way of processing all the road rage you witnessed and were a part of all day. This dream is an obvious one as the cars punching each other represent all the times you were cut off, honked at or almost pushed off the road.

A mobile, mobile
You are sitting at a coffee shop having a cappuccino with some friends. Halfway through the conversation, your friends start turning into mobile phones. One after the other, their heads start morphing into flat, shiny touch screens, their arms and legs disappear into a rectangular phone case, and they start talking to you with a robotic voice. Your phone-friends suddenly standing up and start chasing you down the street. You run as fast as you can but suddenly trip on a phone charge cord (ironically). The phones smother you until you scream and subsequently wake up because of it.

Interpretation: This dream represents two aspects in your life that are causing you harm. The first and most harmful is your ever-growing phone bill. Month after month you fork out a huge portion of your salary to the phone companies and your friends turning into giant phones is due to the fact that your phone bill is constantly on your mind. The second aspect of your psyche that is symbolized in this dream is how much you think about your smartphone. You are in a committed, monogamous relationship with your touch screen mobile and she/he is a huge part of your day.

By Sawsan Kazak, Staff Writer

SAWSAN 211x300 Dream interpretation   Kuwaiti style

Sawsan Kazak

Some say that dreams represent your innermost feelings and thoughts, your fears and aspirations and your predictions for the future. A dream is your brain's way of making sense of the world. But dreams are not always clear and what you dream is not necessarily meant to be taken literally; especially in Kuwait. The following are dreams you may have and I have taken the liberty to interpret what they actually mean. (The following interpretations were neither based on any scientific research, nor were they provided by a professional.)

Cooked through
You open your eyes, look around and all you see is orange neon lights all around you. At a distance you see a big brown window; you walk over to it and look out to ask for help. But instead of seeing a landscape, you see kitchen appliances. You quickly realize that you are inside an oven. You kick, scream and push, but there is no escaping the intense cooking heat.

Interpretation: Not to worry, this dream only signifies the beginning of a Kuwaiti summer. The orange neon lights represent heat and ever-present sun. The fact that you are in an oven represents the feeling of being cooked every time you step out into daylight and the fact that you can't escape represents the fact that there is no escaping the summer heat.

BBQ monster
You walk into a mall to do some good-old-fashioned shopping but in every store you walk into, the only item on sale is barbeques. There are big ones, small ones, red ones and silver ones. When you look around to ask for assistance, you notice that the 'sales people' are all walking barbeques. They walk ever so slowly towards you, open their 'mouths' and try to eat you. You run, but everywhere you look, there is a different barbeque trying to eat you.

Interpretation: This dream represents the deep, subconscious fear every person living in Kuwait has and that is the fear that Parliament will begin their never ending grilling season. The barbeques represent Parliament members. The fact that they are trying to eat you, well that's just weird.

Ring rage
You are sitting in the audience at a sporting event enthusiastically cheering with the crowd. In the middle of the room is an abnormally big boxing ring. The presenter comes on and announces the beginning of the match, two cars drive into the ring and balance on their back wheels and start fighting with each other. The cars go at it until one car loses its bumper.

Interpretation: This dream is your brain's way of processing all the road rage you witnessed and were a part of all day. This dream is an obvious one as the cars punching each other represent all the times you were cut off, honked at or almost pushed off the road.

A mobile, mobile
You are sitting at a coffee shop having a cappuccino with some friends. Halfway through the conversation, your friends start turning into mobile phones. One after the other, their heads start morphing into flat, shiny touch screens, their arms and legs disappear into a rectangular phone case, and they start talking to you with a robotic voice. Your phone-friends suddenly standing up and start chasing you down the street. You run as fast as you can but suddenly trip on a phone charge cord (ironically). The phones smother you until you scream and subsequently wake up because of it.

Interpretation: This dream represents two aspects in your life that are causing you harm. The first and most harmful is your ever-growing phone bill. Month after month you fork out a huge portion of your salary to the phone companies and your friends turning into giant phones is due to the fact that your phone bill is constantly on your mind. The second aspect of your psyche that is symbolized in this dream is how much you think about your smartphone. You are in a committed, monogamous relationship with your touch screen mobile and she/he is a huge part of your day.

By Sawsan Kazak, Staff Writer

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