
Sunday 10 June 2012

[wanita-muslimah] Earth heading towards extinction?


Earth heading towards extinction?

Is this the future of earth? And we're not talking about Will Smith and his dog either!

Is this the future of earth? And we're not talking about Will Smith and his dog either!

Earth is heading toward total disaster if us humans (and politicians!) don't get our act together.

Researchers warn that earth is headed towards extinction and epic changes not seen since the glaciers retreated 12,000 years ago.

"There is a very high possibility that by the end of the century, the Earth is going to be a very different place," study researcher Anthony Barnosky told LiveScience.

Barnosky predicts a major loss of species, as half of the large-bodied mammal species in the world disappeared during the end of the last glacial period.

Apparently, humans are causing changes even faster than the natural ones that pushed back the glaciers — and these changes are much bigger.

Firstly, a 35% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is causing global temperatures to rise quicker than they did back then, Barnosky said.

Also, there has been an explosion in the human population.

Currently standing at 7 billion, the population could reach 9 billion by 2050, putting ever more pressure on existing resources and drain the planet.

Hmm...guess we all should just shift to Mars...

Does AirAsia fly there yet?

Source: LiveScience

Image: I Am Legend, Resident Evil movie

Published June 8 2012

Images: Resident Evil:Extinction, I Am Legend

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