
Sunday, 26 September 2010

Re: [wanita-muslimah] Joe Vialls - micro nuke = agen mossad Ari Ben Menashe


sayang sekali, abah hmna, ulama tersohor dari makasar ternyata ilmuwan
hoax. integritas keilmuannya nggak ada.

Critical mass of uranium in a sphere is approx. 20kgs I think, fusion
doesn't need a specific mass or shape(obviously you want alot for a large
explosion), but it does need 100,000,000°c which is only obtainable by a
normal nuclear explosion. So the smallest nuclear bomb would have to contain
20kgs of Uranium in 2 semi-spheres and some explosives as well as some
neutron emmiters.

And yes; there would be radiation.




2010/9/27 donnie damana <>

> Ada satu situs yang cukup kredibel karena berupa physic forum (
> dalam salah satu
> threadnya ada yang mendiskusikan tentang micro nuclear bomb dan berikut
> threadnya:
> Can anyone tell me if:
> a. there is any such thing as a micro nuclear bomb / device
> b. if there was such a thing would it be possible for it to be mistaken for
> a normal device - ie by blast size?
> c. and confirm that surely there would be some radiation output?
> This'll get moved to S&D, or GD as a "conspiracy" thread. 'Bout the
> smallest nuclear warheads built for the U. S. arsenal were the Davy
> Crockett, or the "silver bullets" for the 155 (apocryphal --- heard about
> 'em at Ft. Sill, but never been able to confirm their existence). DC
> couldn't throw the warhead far enough to get the crew out of the fallout
> zone --- might as well put it in a suitcase and throw it --- after bending
> over, putting your head between your legs, and kissing your *** good-bye.
> 10-20 ton yield (not kton, ton) --- around half the size of the average mine
> under the Messines Ridge in WW I --- definitely more than enough to put the
> Bali club into low earth orbit.
> Critical mass of uranium in a sphere is approx. 20kgs I think, fusion
> doesn't need a specific mass or shape(obviously you want alot for a large
> explosion), but it does need 100,000,000°c which is only obtainable by a
> normal nuclear explosion. So the smallest nuclear bomb would have to contain
> 20kgs of Uranium in 2 semi-spheres and some explosives as well as some
> neutron emmiters.
> And yes; there would be radiation. In fact, it is likely that the ratio of
> radiation to blast size would be much worse for a smaller device, because
> the higher ratio of surface area to mass within the fissile material would
> render such a device much less efficient. I think there are other
> innefficiencyies associated with a smaller device, but this is just
> speculation on my part (so far).
> What I do know for certain is that there is no known way to produce a
> fission reaction without releasing radiation.
> sekedar saran buat abah: kalau memang masih merasa sebagai
> akademisi/ilmuwan (apalagi akademisi ilmu alam), pertahankan integritas
> keilmuannya. Jangan diburu nafsu politik seperti itu.
> Salim,
> :D

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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