
Tuesday 28 December 2010

Bls: [wanita-muslimah] Fw: [Sabili] christmas


Kalau Tuhannya Abah HMNA, Istiaji dkk ya suka marah dan mencak-mencak
melulu, karena ucapan selamat natal, selamat tahun baru masehi dan selamat
valentine dianggap menyangkut aqidah dan inilah yang dicekoki ke mana-mana.
Padahal kalau belajar asma'ul husna nama-nama Tuhan yang bernuansa sejuk
(seperti rahman, rahiim, rauf, wadud, wahhab, razzaq, ghafur, muhaimin
dll) lebih banyak daripada nama tuhan yang bernuansa marah (seperti, jabbar,
qahhar, muntaqimuun dll).

Abdul Mu'iz

----- Pesan Asli ----
Dari: Dwi Soegardi <>
Terkirim: Sel, 28 Desember, 2010 22:58:34
Judul: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Fw: [Sabili] christmas

seperti telah dibahas di milis ini,
umat Islam telah "hafal" luar kepala karena sering dicekoki,
latar belakang perayaan agama lain.
Natalan - kelahiran dewa matahari
14 Februari - jatuhnya Andalusia

tunggu saja nanti ada yang meneliti sejarah 1 Januari
terserah dikarang saja misalnya kekalahan tentara Islam dari Charlemagne,
mulainya penjajahan Inggris di Hindustan,
kelahiran dewi Kamaratih, atau apa kek .....

sebagian kita tidak peduli kok itu hoax apa bukan :-(

Tapi sebagian besar juga tidak peduli asal bisa dangdutan .... hehehe

2010/12/28 <>

> Selain natalan juga tgl 14/2-. Bakalan diributkan lagi .
> Herannya tgl 1 januari-tahun baru malahan ikut2-an dirayakan.
> Ada acara tausyiah, zikiran, dangdutan.
> Padahal 1 januari juga kan hari natal.
> Mustinya konsekuen kalo perayaan natal ditolak , tahun baru 1/1 juga
> ditolak.
> salam,
> l.meilany
> Sangat mengherankan. Setiap tahun ketika menjelang hari
> Natal, umat Islam (Indonesia) ribut dan seperti kebakaran
> jenggot. Dari tahun ke tahun muncul tulisan/posting
> "denouncing" Natal dengan cerita yang itu-itu juga. Seolah-
> olah ada ketidak ikhlasan kalau ada umat agama lain
> merayakan heri besar agama mereka. Ataukah ini manifestasi
> perasaan rendah diri karena takut kalah bersaing?
> Perasaan rendah diri karena takut kalah bersaing ini
> menonjol karena yang dimusuhi hanyalah umat Nasrani, yang
> bagi orang Islam Indonesia nampak sebagai representasi
> negara-negara maju, sementara umat Hindu atau Budha tidak
> pernah disentuh karena mungkin penganut agama Hindu dan
> Budha sebagian besar berada di negara-negara kurang maju
> sebagaimana juga penganut agama Islam.
> Kapan umat Islam (Indonesia) bisa bersikap dewasa?
> KM
> ----Original Message----
> From: <>
> Date: 24/12/2010 22:42
> To: < <>>
> Subj: [wanita-muslimah] Fw: [Sabili] christmas
> Forwarded by HMNA
> Because you have right to know
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Leo Imanov" < <>>
> To: < <>>
> Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 20:53
> Subject: [Sabili] christmas
> Ignorantly they have assumed that Christmas is typically
> associated with
> nationalism rather than theology, and in their fervent
> desire to assimilate
> into a British identity...
> As Muslims who live in the West, we find ourselves
> surrounded by a culture
> of
> capitalism which utilizes anything in its means to further
> its spread and
> acceptance. Amid this culture is the widespread acceptance
> of the 25th of
> December being the birthday of Jesus Christ. However, as
> Pastors and
> Priests of
> the Christian faith have accepted over the years, this is
> an erroneous
> claim.
> Nevertheless they have continued to re-enact the nativity
> in their churches
> and
> narrate stories surrounding it which clearly demonstrates
> both their lack
> of
> desire for the truth and the way in which they easily
> accept falsehood and
> implement it into their religion.
> Additionally, there is a phenomenon among a number of
> Muslims to partake in
> the
> Christmas festivities where they erect Christmas trees
> and exchange gifts.
> Ignorantly they have assumed that Christmas is typically
> associated with
> nationalism rather than theology, and in their fervent
> desire to assimilate
> into a British identity they feel obliged to get
> involved. However, as this
> article aims to demonstrate, Christmas is deeply
> theological and
> additionally,
> based in pagan and not Christian beliefs.
> Christmas, also known as Christ's Mass, is arguably the
> most popular
> celebration that takes place in the West. It is an annual
> holiday which
> celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on the 25th of
> December. Generally,
> festivities are combined with both secular and pagan
> customs and begin on
> the
> 24th of December until after Boxing Day (26th of
> December). For a long time
> people have assumed that Christmas Day is the actual day
> of the birth of
> Jesus
> Christ, however, there is much proof to the contrary
> which is found in the
> bible and the books of history.
> A close reading of the New Testament provides no specific
> date for the
> birth
> of Jesus. Additionally, only two gospels of the four
> actually narrate the
> nativity story although both apparently contradict each
> other. The Gospel
> of
> Luke describes how the archangel Gabriel came to Mary to
> inform her of a
> son to
> be born to her. She responded that she was a virgin to
> which the angel then
> stated 'nothing will be impossible with God' to which she
> replied 'here I
> am
> the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according with
> the Lord's
> word.'1Whilst pregnant, Mary and her husband traveled to
> Bethlehem to
> register
> for a national census. Having found no room at an inn,
> they lodged in the
> barn.
> Meanwhile an angel appeared to some shepherds nearby and
> informed them of
> Jesus' birth whilst at that moment a 'heavenly host'
> appeared to them and
> said
> 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace
> to men on whom his
> favor rests.'2Based on the accounts in Luke of the
> shepherds' activities,
> the
> time of year depicted for Jesus' birth could possibly be
> either spring or
> summer thus contradicting the notion that Christ was born
> in winter. The
> Gospel
> of Matthew narrates a different version of events, and
> relates that the
> 'good
> news' was told to Joseph (and not Mary) in a dream, after
> which he fled
> with
> his family to Egypt seeking safety from Herod. Matthew
> also included the
> story
> of the foreign magi (three wise men) although Luke
> mentions shepherds who
> are
> guarding their flock nearby. These contradictions are
> clearly apparent and
> have
> clearly confused most Christians as there is no clear
> narration detailing
> Christ's birth, to the extent that most Christians are
> ignorant of the fact
> that Jesus is narrated as having traveled to Egypt in the
> early part of his
> life. Although there is a possibility of reconciling the
> two narrations by
> means of combining the two stories, it seems extremely
> questionable that
> Luke
> fails to mention the Maji, and Matthew the 'heavenly
> host.' Thus we see
> many
> nativity plays which differ from one another where
> Christians randomly pick
> and
> choose events which they believe will increase the
> entertaining value of
> the
> play.
> In re-analysing story in the narration of Matthew, it is
> noticeable that
> pagan
> acts manage to sneak into the story. We are told of the
> magi from the East
> who
> come to worship Jesus. Most historiansconsider the Magis
> Midian Zoroastrian
> priests who were experts in astronomy. Some Muslim
> commentators have argued
> that 'worship' here meant sajdah al ta'dheem (prostration
> out of respect)
> which
> is likely if the story is true as Persians were known to
> prostrate in front
> of
> their kings out of respect. However, the narration of
> Luke completely
> disregards the Magi - and it seems probable due to the
> fact that Luke's
> version
> is more consistent with Christian theology. Additionally
> he narrates the
> verse
> 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace
> to men on whom His
> favor rests'3which refutes many Christian beliefs as it
> implies three
> things:
> 1. that God is not the baby Jesus which is born to Mary
> based on the fact
> that
> God is "in the highest heaven" and Jesus is a baby on
> Earth;
> 2. that Jesus is a man of those 'on whom His favor rests';
> 3. God is in/above the heavens and not everywhere as most
> Christians and
> pantheists claim.
> Even though there are many major discrepancies in the
> nativity story, a
> brief
> look at Christianity proves that the early Christians
> disregarded the
> birthday
> of Jesus as is evident through the fact that Iraneus and
> Tertullian4did not
> list Christmas as a Christian festival and omitted it from
> their list of
> feasts.5 There is additional proof which states that
> Christians held
> birthdays
> as sinful. Origen6states, 'of all the holy people in the
> Scriptures, no one
> is
> recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on
> his birthday. It
> is
> only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great
> rejoicings over the
> day
> on which they were born into this world below.'7Thus
> theologically,
> celebrations
> surrounding birthdays were not only non-existentin early
> Christianity, but
> also
> quite deviant.
> This then begs the question, when and where did Christmas
> come about? We
> find
> in most records that Christmas began to be practiced as a
> festival as early
> as
> the 4th century by Roman Christians and gained
> significant prominence when
> Charlemagne8was crowned in the year 800 AD on the 25th of
> December.
> Originally,
> the pagans celebrated a number of festivals during the
> winter solstice such
> as
> Saturnalia, Sol Invinctus and Yule. All of these had a
> profound
> contribution in
> forming Christmas during the spread of Christianity
> throughout Europe.
> Saturnalia was the festival that the pagan Romans
> celebrated in order to
> commemorate the temple of Saturn. On this day, just as
> Christmas day,
> public
> festivities would ensue which involved sacrifices and the
> making and giving
> of
> small presents, saturnalia et sigillaricia. Additionally,
> there was a time
> of
> general relaxation, feasting, merry-making, and a
> cessation of formal
> rules.9During Saturnalia, business was postponed and even
> slaves feasted.
> There
> was drinking, gambling, singing, and even public nudity.
> It was the 'best
> of
> days' according to the poet Catullus10, a time to 'eat,
> drink, and be
> merry'.
> Pagans decorated their houses with clippings of evergreen
> shrubs and
> decorated
> living trees with bits of metal and replicas of their
> God, Bacchus. It is
> noted
> that Tertullian complained that too many Christians were
> imitating
> paganistic
> practice of adorning their houses with lamps and wreathes
> of laurel during
> the
> winter solstice. In addition, the Talmud and
> Mishna11relate accounts of a
> pagan
> festival called Saturnura which has claimed its origins
> to Adam, the first
> man,
> who noticed that the days were getting shorter and
> assumed that it was
> punishment for his sin. Afraid that the world was
> returning to the chaos
> and
> emptiness that existed before creation, he fasted for
> eight days out of
> repentance. Once he realised that this was the natural
> cycle of the world,
> he
> celebrated for eight days, a tradition which later turned
> into a pagan
> festival.12
> Another pagan festival which has heavily influenced
> Christmas is Sol
> Invinctus
> which was celebrated by Romans in veneration of solar
> deities such as Elah
> Gabal (also known as Baal), Sol and Mithras. Followers of
> the god's would
> gather together on the 25th of December and celebrate Dies
> Natalis Solis
> Invicti
> or 'the birthday of the unconquered sun', the object of
> veneration. They
> considered the sun 'unconquered' due to the fact that it
> 'survives' the
> reduced
> daylight hours during the winter solstice. This festival
> most closely
> resembles
> Christmas given that it is on the same day to the extent
> that a Syriac
> Bishop
> wrote, 'It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the
> same 25th
> December
> the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in
> token of
> festivity. In
> these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took
> part. Accordingly
> when
> the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians
> had a leaning to
> this
> festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true
> Nativity should be
> solemnised on that day.'13As is evident, the Church chose
> the 25th of
> December
> as a religious celebration in order to sanctify the fact
> that Christians
> were
> celebrating an openly pagan festival. To that extent the
> Catholic
> Encyclopedia
> states, 'The well-known solar feast, however, of Natalis
> Invicti,
> celebrated on
> 25th December, has a strong claim on the responsibility
> for our December
> date.'14
> Most traditions which have passed on to Christians in the
> UK are derived
> from
> Yule which is celebrated in Scandinavia and used
> interchangeably with
> Christmas. Although it became a Christian festival during
> the process of
> Christianisation, it was deeply pagan and many traditions
> were carried over
> into Christianity, especially the way in which Christmas
> is practiced in
> the UK
> and consequently the United States. When the Germanic
> peoples began to
> convert,
> missionaries found it convenient to provide a Christian
> reinterpretation of
> popular pagan holidays such as Yule and allowed the pagan
> celebrations
> themselves to go on largely unchanged - examples being
> that of decorating
> Christmas trees, eating roasted Pig, and hanging
> mistletoe and holly. These
> practices have no basis in Christian texts, and some are
> actually
> condemned.
> For example, as is common during Christmas, many people
> including Muslims
> erect Christmas trees in their homes adorning them with
> decorations such as
> tinsel, fairy lights and baubles. Underneath the tree
> there are usually a
> pile
> of presents which are opened on Christmas day. However,
> all of these
> practices
> originate from paganism. Erecting trees and adorning them
> for celebrations
> originated from pre-Christianity, to the extent that
> Jeremiah states in the
> Old
> Testament, 'For the customs of the people are vain: for
> one cuts a tree out
> of
> the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with
> the axe. They deck
> it
> with silver and with gold;,they fasten it with nails and
> with hammers, that
> it
> move not.'15Additionally, the actual Christmas trees used
> in Britain stem
> from
> Norse paganism (and their celebrations during Yule),
> while decorations
> such as
> baubles represent the sun synonymous with the festival of
> Sol Invinctus. A
> practice which resembles Saturnalia is kissing under the
> mistletoe, and
> although fornication is explicitly forbidden in
> Christianity, many people
> have
> adopted this pagan practice of kissing strangers using
> mistletoe as an
> excuse
> to satisfy sexual desires - it was first practiced in
> Britain during
> solstitial
> rites among the pagan Druids.
> Another major myth and tradition surrounding Christmas is
> that of Santa
> Claus.
> The name is actually a mispronunciation of the Dutch name
> Sinterklass (from
> St
> Nicholas). It is widely held that Santa Claus is a
> representation of Saint
> Nicholas and stories surrounding his charitable life. In
> Germanic and Norse
> mythology a figure by the name of Odin who was considered
> a major pagan god
> who
> would be 'seen' hunting in the sky during Yule. According
> to Siefker,
> children
> would place their boots, filled with carrot, straw or
> sugar, near the
> chimney
> for Odin's flying horse, Sleipnir, to eat. Odin would
> then reward those
> children for their kindness by replacing Sleipnir's food
> with gifts or
> sweets.16The physical appearance of Odin resembles that of
> Santa Claus like
> the
> beard, hat and staff, and the cloth bag held by the
> servants to capture
> naughty
> children. Although widespread images of Santa Claus are
> based upon American
> (and usually capitalist) representations, the notion of a
> fat bearded
> flying
> man come from entrenched pagan beliefs.
> Even though most of the West has immersed itself into the
> Christmas culture
> without questioning its origins or pagan connotations,
> the paganisation of
> the
> Christian faith has not gone unnoticed by all, rather we
> see in the past
> that
> Christmas was rejected by many Protestant groups during
> the 16th century,
> and
> in addition, Puritans of 17th century England and America
> banned the
> festival
> of Christmas as pagan. Oliver Cromwell also banned
> Christmas after the
> English
> Civil War due to the belief that it was a pagan belief
> which encouraged sin
> and
> immorality interpolated into the Christian faith.
> Christians suchas Jehovah
> Witnesses continue to hold beliefs similar to the Puritans
> and reject the
> notion of Christmas altogether.
> We also find that the process of secularization has caused
> Christmas in the
> past few years to lose all remnants of the Christian faith
> and has made it
> a
> secular holiday with paganistic practices. Capitalist
> ideals have utilized
> the
> festival to make even more money from theologically-
> ignorant shoppers,
> causing
> them to drown in debt. As Muslims we must refrain from
> becoming involved in
> such practices whether it is in the name of nationalism
> or integration. The
> Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stated: 'whoever
> imitates a people
> is
> one of them'17and Abdullah Ibn al-'Aas (may Allah be
> pleased with him) said,
> "Whoever lives in the land of the polytheists and
> celebrates their Nawrooz
> (New
> Year) and their festivals imitating until he dies, he
> will be a loser on
> the
> Day of Resurrection." This is not to say that Muslims
> should not shop
> during
> this period but there are some that are affected by the
> culture of
> capitalism
> and squander during the Christmas period. It is not an
> innocent festival
> based
> on regional customs, but an ideological celebration based
> on the
> theological
> beliefs of Christians and pagans, and used by capitalists
> to exploit
> unaware
> citizens.
> Allah the Most High states,
> And those who do not witness falsehood, and if they pass
> by some evil play
> or
> evil talk, they pass it by with dignity.18
> We as Muslims should pass this festival by with dignity,
> refraining from
> the
> office parties', Christmas celebrations, the exchange of
> gifts, and even
> exchanging Christmas greetings. There are a number of
> reasons for this;
> firstly, to become involved in a festival is to sanction
> the beliefs behind
> such a festival and as Muslims we are forbidden to
> sanction anything other
> than
> Islam. Just as we as Muslims distance ourselves from
> celebrations such as
> Diwali (Hinduism) and Hanukkah (Judaism), we must also do
> so with
> Christmas. By
> celebrating Christmas, not only do we sanction pagan and
> Christian
> practices,
> but we imply that the festival of polytheism is pleasing
> to us although
> Allah
> states,
> This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed
> My favour upon
> you,
> and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.19
> Secondly, Allah describes Christians as "those who went
> astray" in the
> opening
> chapter of the Qur'an, thus to celebrate something that is
> not even
> sanctioned
> in their religion is to imply that their straying is of
> no consequence.
> Thirdly, to take part in their festivities or to give
> greetings such as
> 'merry/happy Christmas' is to encourage and congratulate
> them in their
> actions
> instead of censuring them for their falsehood. This is in
> opposition to
> Qur'anic teachings whereby Allah states,
> They believe in Allah and the Last Day; they enjoin what
> is right, and
> forbid
> what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all)
> good works: They are
> in
> the ranks of the righteous.20
> >
> >Help ye one another in righteousness and piety, but help
> ye not one
> >another in
> >sin and rancour. Fear Allah, for Allah is strict in
> punishment.21
> Muslims, by the grace of Allah, have been afforded a
> complete way of life
> which
> details that which is best and most beneficial for the
> entire human race.
> We
> have the Qur'an and sunnah, and to cling to them is an
> aspect of the faith,
> regardless of the taunts of liberal Muslims and non-
> Muslims who may call us
> 'radicals' and 'fundamentalists'. To befundamental is a
> part of Islam as
> A'ishah
> (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates that the Prophet
> (peace be upon
> him)
> said 'Whoever innovates something in this matter of ours
> (Islam) that is
> not a
> part of it will have it rejected.'22
> Christmas remains a stark warning and example to Muslims
> of what can happen
> to
> Islam if we were to accept innovations into our faith. To
> cling to the
> Qur'an
> and sunnah as understood by the salaf is the only way to
> remain within the
> sanctified parameters of our deen. Christmas is a
> phenomenon that should
> encite
> the awareness of the Muslim laity to be mindful about
> those from whom they
> take
> their religion and religious knowledge. We thank Allah
> for preserving our
> faith and pray that he bestow upon us the ability to stay
> on the Straight
> Path.
> __________________________________________________________
> Notes:
> Source:
> 1. Luke 1:31-38
> 2. Luke 2:8-15
> 3. Luke 2:8-15
> 4. Early distinguished fathers and scholars of the
> Christian Church.
> 5. The Catholic Encyclopedia
> 6. An early Christian scholar and theologian who is
> considered one of the
> most
> distinguished early fathers of the Christian Church.
> 7. Origen, in Levit., Hom. VIII, in Migne P.G., XII, 495
> 8. Considered the father of Europe
> 9.
> 10.
> 11. Important Jewish texts
> 12. Avodah Zara 8a
> 13. Cited in MacMullen. R. Christianity and Paganism in
> the Fourth to Eighth
> Centuries. Yale:1997
> 14.
> 15. Jeremiah 10:3-4
> 16. Siefker. P. Santa Claus, Last of the Wild Men: The
> Origins and
> Evolution of
> Saint Nicholas, Spanning 50,000 Years. McFarland:1997
> 17. Related in Sunan Abu Dawud
> 18. Surah al-Furqan 25:72
> 19. Surah al-Ma'idah 5:3
> 20. Surah Aali Imran 3:114
> 21. Surah al-Ma'idah 5:2
> 22. Related in Sahih al-Bukhari
> "Fa maadza ba'da-lhaqq, illa-dl_dlalaal"
> Leo Imanov
> Abdu-lLah
> AllahsSlave
> Subscribe to risalah-alfurqan
> Powered by


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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